Camp Blog

A Respite

Camp Director

Even though the world around us continues to whiz by at a dizzying pace, it’s refreshing to be secluded and disconnected on Blue Lake--no TV screens, no iPads, no newspapers, no outside gossip. At camp we create our own world where we can just be...just exist, relax, unwind and learn how to overcome hurdles and obstacles with the help of our camp friends. Now that second session cabin groups are functioning like a family (with the usual familial speed bumps and ups-and-downs) we sadly go into the last two weeks of camp. 

Campers are taking full advantage of activities, special programs, spending time with each other, their counselors, and of course focusing on their mastery of skills they've already developed or skills they never knew they actually had. Some special programs headed our way in the next few days will include Final Four, Gonzo Relay, Midnight Movie, teepee trips, Blue and White tenthalon, Relay for Life and much more. 

One AMAZING event, Boundary Waters 2022, had our oldest campers reflecting on their experience in the wilderness. When they were asked to write down what the "rose" of the trip was for each, some said it was the breathtaking scenery and wildlife. A few were able to see a moose and calf. For some it was pushing themselves out of their comfort zone where they uncovered inner strength they weren't aware of. For a few it was the feeling of accomplishment after finishing a tough portage. Still for others it was getting the chance to bond more deeply and connect with others in their age group without any distractions. All they had was each other at night and a campfire! There was an overall group consensus that they were pushed to achieve things they didn't think they could do. This trip was such a growing and maturing experience for everyone. They returned back to camp stronger versions of themselves. 

Stay tuned for more news & excitement that lies ahead.

Smile on & full speed ahead!
