Arts and Crafts Summer Camp Activity

Camp Agawak's Arts and Crafts program is an extremely popular activity with campers of all ages.  The goal is to get the creative juices flowing, and boy do they flow!  We have so many creative campers and girls continue to come up with new, innovative ideas every year.  Agawak is an arts and crafts summer camp for kids and teens of all skill level.


Art Out of Anything

The variety of projects created at our studio in the woods is outstanding.  Campers have worked with a number of different resources and textiles. Anything from leather, glass block, yarn, and clay, to wood, paint and beads; our campers can create a masterpiece out of anything.  The amount of available resources helps make Camp Agawak a leading Wisconsin arts and crafts summer camp.


Contact us to learn more about Camp Agawak's arts and crafts summer camp programs.


Camp Keepsakes

These crafts are not your typical make one day and throw away kind of projects.  These creations are treasures that our campers want to bring home or are nice enough to hang in the buildings around camp to display for the next generation of campers.  


Our Art's and Crafts instructors, with degrees in art and design, are brought in to get the creative juices flowing and get campers to think outside the box.  The instructors really help make Camp Agawak a unique Wisconsin arts and craft summer camp for both kids and teens.


Contact us to learn more about Camp Agawak's arts and crafts summer camp programs.