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Camp Store
The Camp Store is a place of many wonders. Campers can come to the camp store if they would like to purchase any new Agawak merchandise, or if they need any necessities such as stamps, batteries, shampoo, conditioner, etc. Our CITs (Counselors-in-Training) come to the camp store everyday to sort the mail for our campers. Counselors come pick up their camper’s mail each day and then hand it off to the girls.

Candle Shop
The candleshop is fully stocked with many different candle mold options. There are a variety of sizes of candles to dip as well as even pinecones! The campers love to make candles to send home to their families and friends.

Caretaker’s Cabin

CIT Cabin

Cook Staff Cabin
This cabin is home to our kitchen support staff. These girls travel from all around the world to help out in the kitchen during the summer. We have support staff from Mexico, Russia, Czech Repulic, and Hungary.

Fox Hole
The Fox Hole is a cabin for some of our staff members. The Fox Hole has three bedrooms and one bathroom.

Happy Camper Hall
This is Happy Camper Hall (HCH). HCH is used for all-camp programs such as Blue and White Lip Syncs and staff shows as well as many more fun and exciting events. Some of our activities such as pilates, boot camp, and drama are also held in HCH. Lots of fun, dancing, and singing takes place in this building. HCH is also a great place for the camp to go during rainy days.

If you take medicine, don’t feel well, or get hurt, the infirmary is the place you will go. We have a great group of 6 nurses who are there to fix your cuts and scrapes. Our infirmary has a nice quiet area to go if you need to lie down when you’re feeling sick.

LHOP (Little House on the Prairie) is where our cooking activity takes place. Campers can sign up to take cooking, or participate in Sunday cooking clinics and make different recipes. They get to enjoy what they make either during their cooking class, or at the next meal.

Main Lodge
The Lodge is the place where we eat all of our meals during each day. Ducky and Tim (our chefs) have a beautiful kitchen to cook in and a great kitchen support staff that helps out. Our meals are served family style with a fresh fruit and yogurt bar in the mornings, and a salad bar at lunch and dinner. Peanut butter and jelly stations are set up during lunch and dinner as well.

Main Office
The Main Office is the place where all of the phone calls and emails take place. Our office is right on the lake in a central location. The office is one of the oldest buildings in camp, but new additions have been added onto it.



Radio Station
Camp Agawak has its very own radio station: 88.1 always to the left, never to the right. Our radio station takes place in KWAK, which was recently rebuilt, right on the waterfront. On hot, sunny waterfront days, you will hear the radio station loud and clear right by the water. Campers that sign up for KWAK will get to run their very own radio show!

Rifle Range
One activity the campers can sign up for is riflery. Our specialists come in and teach the girls how to shoot rifles and hit targets. They start in the laying down position while shooting and move up to kneeling and then standing. They also get to practice on different targets!

Shower House
We have two shower houses: big shower house and little shower house. Each shower house has sinks and toilets in them as well. Campers who do not have showers in their cabins will go to the shower houses to get all cleaned up!

Tennis Courts
We have 4 tennis courts for the campers to practice and play. Campers can sign up for tennis during activities and/or sign up to take private tennis lessons with our tennis pros Anita and Josef. Whether you are just learning how to play, or need to practice for your school team, the tennis courts are the place to be!

One of our most popular places in camp is the trampolines! Campers love to come to tramp ball to jump around and play. We have two tramp ball courts each with four trampolines separated by volleyball nets. You can always find campers jumping around at tramp ball!

Cabin Y

Cabin X

Cabin J

Cabin H

Cabin D

Cabin B

Cabin 14
Cabin 13

Cabin 12

Cabin 11

Cabin 10

Cabin 9

Cabin 8

Cabin 7

Cabin 6

Cabin 5

Cabin 4

Cabin 3

Cabin 2

Cabin 1


Bike Shed
Our bike shed is fully equipped with a variety of bikes. We have helmets to accompany each bike as well. The campers can sign up for biking during activity periods and explore the grounds surrounding camp.

Beach House
The Beach House is a cabin located directly next to the beach. It holds our famous chef Ducky, and our new tennis pro Josef. They are lucky to get the beautiful breeze off the lake the entire summer.

Basketball Court
We have two beautiful basketball courts for our Agawak Ballers. Campers can sign up for basketball during activities, or just go down to the courts and shoot some hoops. We have also had our annual Basketball Bonanza take place on these basketball courts for the campers to have fun while watching some competition take place.

Arts & Crafts
Archery is a very popular activity to sign up for. Our archery range has 4 targets and new bows and arrows. We have an archery specialist, Wade, who comes to teach the campers skills on how to be great archers!

Alumni Hall
This is Alumni Hall, the safest building in camp. In the event that there is a severe storm, the entire camp will gather in this building. Kickboxing and aerobics classes also meet in the bottom of Alumni Hall because it is equipped with mirrors surrounding the outer walls. In the upper part of Alumni, we have our camp library! The girls can come sit and relax while reading one of their favorite stories.

Pinewood used to be a camper cabin until a few years ago when it was newly renovated and turned into a cabin for members of administration. This cabin has a complete kitchen as well as living area with 2 bedrooms.
Caretaker’s Cabin
Cabin 15
Every Monday night, all of the camp gathers at campfire where we spend the evening singing camp songs and relaxing around the fire. When all the singing is finished, we present our campfire girls. One camper from each division: junior, intermediate, and senior, present speeches about camp and their experience. One junior counselor and one senior counselor are also given this opportunity. The night ends with our closing campfire song.

Archery Range
Archery is a very popular activity to sign up for. Our archery range has 4 targets and new bows and arrows. We have an archery specialist, Wade, who comes to teach the campers skills on how to be great archers!

Lower Athletic Field
The Lower Athletic Field holds our softball diamond, volleyball court, archery range, and rifle range. Blue and White activities such as balloon launch and some ceremonies for big events may take place in the Lower Athletic Field as well.

Upper Athletic Field
The upper athletic field is where our soccer players can practice and play during the summer. Opening and closing ceremonies for Olympic Day and Final Four take place in the upper. Relays races and cabin games are also common on this field.

Siegel Park
Siegal Park is named after Agawak’s old owner, Oscar Siegal. This park is used for smaller cabin group activities, such as our famous Food Olympics!

Recreation Hall
The Rec Hall is where gymnastics takes place. Our newly renovated Rec Hall gives gymnasts the opportunity to practice their moves, and new gymnasts to learn everything they need to know.