Our camper of the day today is Tess Ludwig and our counselor of the day is veteran counselor Stacey Rhum. What a terrific sunny day it is for our annual Gonzo Relay to take place. Team captains are on the edge of their seats as they battle 66 events out one by one. It’s a grueling event with different teams taking the lead at any given turn. This event will include an enormous amount of running kayaking archery biking word searches tennis portaging canoes swimming singing in the shower blobbing kissing our legendary moose hammering nails into wood water tramping softball retrieving M&Ms from a full plate of whipped cream with only their tongues gymnastics and countless other events. The event will close with one team reaching the silver antique bell first to set its ring in motion. Currently (11:10am) Columbia is in first followed by Penn State Northwestern and Cornell. Time will tell.
Jennifer Filler did a stellar job completing her word search in record breaking time. Ninde’ Soulier was amazing as she ran to the mailbox and around it and dropped her letter in quickly and tagged her next teammate. The CIT’s were amazing as they portaged their canoes. Nikki Kleifield and Julia Turner even assist another team with the portage of their canoe. I call that good sportsmanship and team work! Ryan Goldsmith was the first to kiss the renowned moose. Lindsay Schwartz did an outstanding job for her Northwestern as she swam to the water tramp and back then helped another team member out by putting on skies. Camryn More arrived first on the beach front lawn to do her sit ups and man did she do those quickly. Chloe Levitz was a standout archer for her team. The cheering and screaming is unreal. I can’t even hear myself think! Alexa Jaffe toting a broken finger ran like a deer all the way from Cookwood to the riflery range with amazing speed. At 12:12 am Jenna Lachman from team Columbia rang the first bell! Gabby Proeh rang the second bell for Northwestern followed by Sydney Kalter for Cornell and Sarah Mossler for Penn State. From the ringing of the first bell to the last a total of 6 minutes lapse between. Final Four Commissioners Marley Issacson and Jessie Allen have shown great leadership & implemented a flawless Final Four. Hats off to them both! Another successful Gonzo goes down in Agawak history!
This afternoon teams will sing their final closing song and one team will be awarded the coveted Final Four trophy to be announced at evening flagpole.
Smile on
Mary and staff