Early this morning we said goodbye to our lovely CIT’s. We called out their names and they ran down the path from the cookout area to the maintenance garage slapping high fives to everyone as they passed by. They loaded their packs onto the bus and headed north. We will miss this lively bunch of girls and look forward to their save return next Monday.
Today it’s a half staff Wednesday which means half the staff has off to refuel their engines. Often on half staff days we incorporate Blue & White games into our program. Blue & White Commissioners Jamie Gorchoff and Jen Rosenwasser announced this morning everyone would be playing “Search Party” after a solid cabin clean up.
Jen and Jamie brought back a game they played as campers called Search Party. The game hasn’t been played for about seven years and the youngest people in camp who have played the game are now on staff so it was new for all the campers. Because the CITs just left on their boundary waters trip we left the leadership to the PAs the next oldest campers. Campers from both teams searched high and low for ribbons tied to objects that eventually lead the team to find the hidden girl. Jen and Jamie drove around in the gator all morning watching the girls tie their ribbons ten heel try to find the girls. In the end the Blue Team successfully found 8 girls and the White Team found 10 girls. It was a great game and the PAs did an awesome job leading their teams to victory.
This afternoon cabins will compete in our annual Cabin Songa competition by divisions. For the first time in several weeks its overcast with cooler temperatures. We welcome a change in the weather as it allows us to slow the pace down a bit. Tonight we will board the buses and head toward Eagle River to visit our camp friends at Camp Menomonie. I’m sure fuses will be blowing left and right this afternoon as the girls especially the older ones straighten and dry their hair. The tennis courts are often used as a powder room because of all the power outlets. Even the bathrooms of alumni hall and happy camper hall will be filled with campers primping as we say at camp. I tell them they are beautiful just the way they are and that’s why I give them very little time to get ready. We also remind them that all the B words must be covered. No bellies exposed no bottoms and no…….you get the picture.
Tomorrow we will be in full activities again and our lovely PA’s will be dressing up for the evenings PA pageant. For all of you who have first time campers at Agawak I’d like you to know they are doing extremely well and we are seeing normal & small bouts of homesickness but nothing serious or concerning. I am very pleased with how everyone including returning campers are easing into second session.
Enjoy your week. We’ll continue to have more fun here.
Happy Camping
Mary & Staff