Start of Second Session

We don’t count the days at Agawak…. we make the days count!  How can it be Thursday already? Our second session campers are settling in nicely and our full season campers are making sure every moment counts. It’s been a busy week of activities fun special events and of course the classics. 
Our oldest campers left Monday for the annual CIT trip where they will paddle through Canadian waters portage canoes collect wood make fire and will be immersed in nature and friendship. This is a once in a lifetime experience for them and all of us can’t wait to hear all about their adventure when they return this Saturday. They have checked in using satellite phones and their adventure is going strong! 
Our Blue and White reveal was the first night of the second session. Every camper was placed on their respective teams for life and are proudly wearing their team’s color.  I’m able to date the tradition of Blue and White back to 1924 due to a trophy in Alumnae Hall.  Our campers and staff are part of an old tradition that is loaded with pride. Everyone has enjoyed Blue and White games this week.  Between Landmines and Balloon Battle oodles of water balloons were filled caught and avoided.  Say What… had Happy Camper Hall hopping Monday night. My favorite part about Blue and White besides the energy it creates is watching the teamwork that takes place between the different age groups. 
Tuesday night our second oldest age group dressed up for the PA pageant.  Each cabin dressed their PA up in the most ridiculous outfit gave them a title and talent and had them hit the runway for Agawak Dollars. The campers adored bonding with each other while laughing at the humor and creativity these campers have!   
Wednesday afternoon we brought back an old favorite Agawak City! Campers ran around to different locations completing tasks to make “Agawak City” the safest cleanest most desirable city! After completing tasks they went on a little “counselor hunt” to find out counselor fun facts. Wednesday night veteran counselors led a fun evening of Comedy Sports on stage in Happy Camper Hall. I am always amazed at the creativity our campers bring. There were definitely lots of laughs in the audience! 
Thursday morning started off with a delicious breakfast of french toast from Ducky. We’re moving full speed ahead with another beautiful activity day! The lake is calm the sky is clear and campers are smiling. It’s another wonderful day on beautiful Blue Lake!
Smile on 
Mary Fried