Summer Fun!

It’s hard to overestimate the amount of summer fun that occurs in a single day at Agawak. It’s even a little mind boggling when you take a detailed look into how our daily activities, special events, evening programs, and ordinary moments around camp weave together. Perhaps this multi-layered complexity isn’t surprising when you consider the number of campers involved—including 72 cabin counselors, health center staff, director/administrative staff,  activity specialists (fishing, ceramics, indoor cooking, skiing, climbing, riflery, sailing, etc.) kitchen support staff, photography, housekeeping and maintenance crews. Every one of these people are engaged everyday, contributing to our amazing community and helping out in countless ways.

The past two days have been filled with activities galore. Did you know we offer over 45 different activities for our campers to select from based on personal interest? Go anywhere on Agawak grounds on any given day and you’ll be amazed by the sustained action here. Naturally, the kitchen is buzzing all day long, until about 8:00 pm when the evening crew finishes cleaning up and getting things ready for the next day. Likewise for the housekeeping and our maintenance crew… they start early in the morning and go until dusk. It’s really true for most everyone at camp. Of course the campers are zipping from one activity to the next, and the staff are teaching and guiding throughout the day. We’re all busy every moment of the day, from sunup to sundown. Life at Agawak is full! It’s not low-calorie; it’s as rich as it comes.

When I reflect back on the last 24 hours, it’s been nothing short of….full speed ahead! A full day of activities, a quick practice for Sunday’s opening Olympic Day ceremonies, a fun “out of camp” social with Camp Kawaga and a midnight movie (at the Lakeland Cinema).

No wonder we had to slow things down with a much needed Lazy Breakfast this morning. Campers also signed up for their last series of activities for first session, had a fun waterfront afternoon of swimming, tubing and practicing for the annual lake swim which will take place early Monday morning.

Tomorrow, we will rise and shine and greet Olympic Day. Agawak will represent four local boys’ camps in our annual Olympic Day program. Teams will compete throughout the day and evening in a wide variety of traditional Olympic and unique camp events. Will Horseshoe, Kawaga, Menominee or Camp Ojibwa take home the gold? Saty tuned.

There’s simply a special energy and spirit that is alive here. This special energy and spirit makes everything we do at Agawak so much more fun.

Smile on and full speed ahead,
