2nd Session Begins

Have you ever gone to camp on a bright and sunny day? With all the little campers swimming up and down Blue Lake and if you have you know life doesn’t get much better than this.  The days we spend at Agawak are the best days of our lives. Everyday I try to get the staff and campers to take it all in and make every moment count.  These are the days we will recall when we are old and gray. These are the days that mold us into who we are and build our character.
Our parent’s weekend was a special one. I was thankful the weather cleared early Saturday morning as the gates opened.  Campers and parents reunited in a sea of hugs laughter and tears.  The emotions generated moved me as they always do but this summer more than ever.  So many families came from such a far distance and I thank them for making the long journey north. For many of them it took trains planes and automobiles just to get here.  I hope all of you that attended enjoyed your visit. We certainly loved opening up camp for all of you to walk around.  For those first time visitors I’m certain you now can better grasp the beauty and power of this magical place. 
Today is one of those bright and sunny days at camp where you pop out of your bunk and greet the morning with a smile.  Birthday girl of the day Sydney Hirsch camper of the day Ava Novak and counselor Kiley Issaccson are happy campers today. For breakfast we had the infamous hobo hash (yummy) pastry fresh fruit and cold cereal…
Campers signed up for activities yesterday afternoon in between tubing head checks swimming and cabin bonding time.  At 6pm we headed to flagpole with our laundry bags in tote sporting our white Agawak tops and blue bottoms.  Ducky and Abraham served up beef ribs green beans oven roasted potatoes and homemade cornbread for dinner.  Cabin Y was sporting their new “rib bibs” around their necks.  We also seem to serve the messiest of foods when it’s a social or it’s white polo day. 
After dinner veteran campers headed to the upper athletic field to prepare for Blue & White team placements. New campers joined one another in the lodge to learn Agawak songs as everyone else waited in the upper field for them to arrive.  The White Team lined the left side of the field and the Blue Team stood proud on the right.  When it was time first time campers joined the camp on the field and individual names were announced and handed a large balloon to pop. Inside each balloon was either Blue or White confetti identifying their team color.  As each balloon was popped one by one the CITS formed their spirit tunnels so new campers could pass through. After a quick team meeting the entire camp travelled to the beach for a thrilling game of Tug mascots Allyson Shapiro and Leni Thomas were all smiles as the CIT’s held them up high and paraded them on the beach. Junior Blue team White intermediates and senior White team won their tugs and White team trumped over Blue Team staff.
We are off to a wonderful start of our second session. We cannot wait for all the smiles and memories to be made this session. As always check the photo galleries for all of the fun we are having! Your daughters are going to have the times of their lives J
Smile on and full speed ahead!
Mary and staff