After Camp…

Two good night sleeps have me back in the saddle again. We have switched gears and are now preparing for our post camp families to arrive late this afternoon.  The remaining counselors (all 15 of them) have been busy cleaning cabins and sprucing up program areas. Crisp mornings and cool evenings now greet us. Fall seems to be in the air. The temperature of Blue Lake is getting chilly. As I walk around camp I notice plenty of acorns have fallen for the squirrels to gather for the winter. It’s only been two days since the buses pulled out of camp and all of us here are missing all of you back home.
The last camper to leave camp was Hannah Vigran who finally left CWA airport at 7pm Wednesday evening. It was a long day for her but she made it home safely. Her plane coming in from Chicago had mechanical problems. Caroline Abel also had the same problem but the buses were able to pull into CWA airport and scoop her up. She was able to get on the bus with all her camp friends and ride all the way to Deerfield High School with them. She was then picked up by the Fisher family who took her back to Cincinnati. There is never a dull moment here until everyone is home safe and sound.
I hope everyone is transitioning back to city life as well as can be expected.  One of my campers told her mother Thursday night as she was heading to bed “I miss my other bed.”  Coming home for the first time after spending the summer surrounded by your camp friends can sometimes be a bit depressing. It takes time to adjust to home life so give yourself a week to bounce back and be thankful you have a place that will always welcome you with open arms.
The last two days of camp flew by so quickly and most of it is a blur but one thing I will remember forever is the CIT’s singing their farewell song on the stage of Happy Camper Hall. Their souls were in that song and I don’t recall there was a dry eye in the audience including myself.  Every summer is wonderful on Blue Lake but there was something very magical and special about this summer that will remain in my heart forever. 
Thank you to all my magnificent campers and staff. It certainly was a summer to remember.  Keep those camp memories burning.
Love & Camp hugs
Agawak…The place to be seen in 20-13!