September Camp Update

It’s only September but staff contracts are in the mail. Were you aware we had 4 counselors sign their contracts for next summer before leaving camp this summer?  Claire Kobe Bronwyn and Sally will be “Livin’the dream” in 2013! Registrations are coming in daily and we have 60 plus campers already registered the vast majority is enrolled full season.  We are well on our way towards the 2013 season.
Luci and Pavel finished painting cabins 1 and 2. Brandon has been busy winterizing the boats and soon the water will be officially shut off and drained for the season.  The tepee came down with an attitude last week.  Pine needles coat the camp paths and stairs leading to the cabins. Deer have eaten all the flowers by the office and around the cottage. An eagle soars high in the sky above the swim area as I look out my office window.  He’s probably delighted to finally be able to swoop down effortlessly without having to wait for campers to vacate the swim area.
The Agawak slide was one of the last water toys to be pulled off the lake for the season.  I was disappointed when we discovered a large hole in the slide the size of a basketball which was chewed on by a pesty otter.  Brandon is already on top of it and has ordered a patch from the company we purchased it from. If that doesn’t work…. we’ll have to order a new slide. Wildlife in its natural environment is certainly beautiful but I find it rather annoying the otter can’t find something more tasteful and less expensive to chew on.
Our Chicago reunion will be February 10th.  Please mark your calendars. More information will follow but I wanted to let you know early so you can save the date. We will also have our new camper orientation the same day prior to the reunion.  I just sent Becker an email with some new t” in 2013. If anyone has any ideas for this design email me at  You’ll be wearing them so you may as well have some input.  I would like to have these in my hand by the end of September so I can take them with me on my travels to visit our out of state campers.
Years ago… Mari Weiss was the youngest camper to enroll at Agawak. If I recall correctly she had just completed first grade and turn 7 at camp. Please someone correct me if I’m wrong. Well next summer we’ll have another camper (Bea Kaufman) completing first grade here for part of the summer.  I know my older campers will pick her up and not let her feet touch the ground too often.  Our younger campers get tons of attention from the older girls which I love to witness.
I guess it’s time for me to get back to work. Today I’ll be pouring through the website looking at all the pictures from last summer that I barley got a chance to glance at. I need to organize a slideshow for my Indiana Ohio Texas FL and CA girls to take with me when I visit them during the off season.
If anyone has any camp news they’d like me to mention in the camp blog please let me know. Also if you gather with friends over the winter and want to share your “get. Make sure the quality is good. Blurry pictures won’t make it on the web. Enjoy school your friends and family. Hope everything is well in your world.
Camp hugs