April News

Hey Ho Agawak’s got soul.   That’s right! We have more spirit and energy at Camp Agawak for Girls than anywhere else in the Midwest. Even on this cold March day my soul is warmed by familiar Agawak songs which linger in my mind all year long.  I’m overly anxious for the snow to melt the first robin to appear and to see open water on Blue Lake again.  What about you? Who’s ready for fun in the sun?
This year’s Chicago reunion was especially memorable for me.  Our former 2013 CITS did a fantastic job of pumping up the crowd with our favorite Blue and White Team songs & cheers.  The annual raffle was a hit!! I hope some of you were happy to bring home some new Agawak gear.  Next year we are considering a different venue for the Chicago reunion. If anyone has a new reunion site suggestion please contact the camp office or shoot us an email.  Every year I seem to order way too much pizza! I guess if it were Ducky’s camp pizza it would have been devoured.
In early February while lots of us were gathering in Chicago for the BIG Agawak reunion Suzi was hosting a mini reunion yet equally enthusiastic in Los Angles with Lila Mass’s family generously hosting.  Did you know Lila’s mom (Jane) is former alum?  Joining Lila and Suzi were returning campers Natalie Blut Lily Waters Annabelle Nickoll and Lily Barnow.  We were thrilled to have new camper Lindsey Bellowe make it from San Diego.  Lila Mass’s younger sister Annabelle will also be joining us for Rookie camp this year.  I’m certain our LA crowd would have put a serious dent in our pizza consumption had they been in Chicago!  Cori Dyner from California couldn’t be with because she traveled to Chicago for that reunion.  Suzi said the weather was beautiful and the girls had a blast talking laughing and watching the reunion DVD.  Agawak spirit is alive & strong on the west coast!
On February 22nd Suzi and MP flew to Houston to hold a reunion at the home of Scott and Shanna Halperin.  With Gracie and Sophie acting as coith and Lexi Paull.  Abigail Goldman and her younger sisters are hoping to join our family soon while 5 year old Marin Pollock was ready to go to Agawak that day mom said “she’ll have to wait!” Suzi and MP reported high levels enthusiasm.
I’d like to welcome 26 new additions to our camp family.  They hail from 16 different cities 7 different states and Mexico. What a pleasure it is to have them join us for fun and adventure Agawak style.
Lyla Adelstein          Amelia Horwitz          Winter Rafal
Mira Adelstein         Abigail Horwitz           Ava Reed
Jessica Baigorria       Annie Isaacson            Allison Reed
Alexis Becker          Hannah Korach           Madeline Rubenstein
Kaci Ericson            Bella Maurer               Alexa Vaqueiro
Annabelle Garelick  Carlie Rae Newton      Talia Zazove
Jadie Geleerd          Katie Noll                   Dylan Zimberoff
Serena Govindaiah   Ellie Polen                   Drew Zimberoff
Lola Hammer          Lucy Polen  
By now all of you should have received your prep packets with all the necessary forms and information to prepare you for an incredible summer ahead. Ms. Taylor Warren was the first camper to have her forms turned in.  Parents please keep the forms flowing our way. The May 1st deadline is notorious for sneaking up on everyone!
If you are interested in ordering anything from the Cloz Company my advice is to place your orders TODAY as they get overloaded with tons of camp orders from across the country this time of year.  Also remember to order at least one white Agawak polo shirt from CLOZ for Sunday lunch and dinner.  This is a required item unless you want to bring your own white polo minus the Agawak logo.  I kindly remind you that Agawak and all its logos are trademarked. Unfortunately I’ve been experiencing some problems with shops and companies using our logo to sell items in their stores. At this time CLOZ Company is the only store/company which has my approval to sell registered Agawak items.
Yesterday afternoon I bundled up & waded through deep snow to check out our new campfire bleachers carefully being crafted by Brandon and Tyler.  Campers and staff will enjoy 6 rows of beautiful white pine bleachers an upgrade from the previous 5 row wooden bleachers. The back rows will have backrests and will be designated for older cabin groups.  The unique thing about these wooden bleachers is that the wood used to construct them came from Agawak trees cut down this past fall in order to make room for our massive Tango Tower climbing wall. 
Camp hugs to everyone
Mary & staff