After an amazing summer camp has come to a sad close. We had an outstanding last week with our traditional endmer events. Treasure Hunt Blue and White closing awards night staff banquet and final campfire were memorable and amazing. It was a week to celebrate reflect and reminisce about our wonderful summer together. We hugged one another hard and cried long. I can almost touch smell and feel the great memories of the summer of 2016!
The one good thing about the end… is knowing that camp is a constant. It will happen again next summer. It will happen every year. We won’t forget the bright northern sky clear Blue Lake the sound of the loons at dusk and the crisp Agawak air. We won’t forget the friendships created and the laughs we had. I watched all summer long with pride as our campers and staff grew together. Camp strengthens and empowers all parts of our characterind body and spirit. When we are at camp it’s often easy to go through one’s day without slowing down enough to contemplate all the potential influences each of us here has over one another. When we are able to slow down and look back at those that touched our lives it’s very easy to see how little time is truly needed at Agawak to influence someone for a lifetime.
I can’t thank our campers enough for sharing themselves with all of us. You are the reason my smile is so wide. I can’t thank my exceptional staff enough for their dedication commitment hard work and enthusiasm. You are the reason at any time of daypers laughing in their cabins and skipping down paths and up hills their arms linking shouting with joy. I can’t thank our camp families enough for continuing to have the confidence and faith in all of us at Camp Agawak. Most of all I can’t wait to see everyone on Blue Lake next June!
I believe anything is possible at Agawak because “here we are ah ha we’re all together”. Thank you thank you a million thank yous. Our slogan for the summer of 2016 was “the best you’ve even seen in 2016”! For our campers….I know it was the BEST they have even seen and I am forever grateful to everyone who contributed its success. Have a healthy productive and adventurous yearonths I hope we will all meet again.
Big camp hugs
Mary :))