Last nights awards ceremony was an emotional one. When the final staff song ended and the candle lights went dark forceful sobs and tears filled Happy Camper Hall. There was not a dry eye to be found. Below are the words to the CIT’s final farewell song. Campfire tonight will be equally emotional. We will light our wish boats and cast them into Blue Lake holding one another tight until the sun rises and we are forced to say goodbye. What an exceptional summer it has been.
CIT Closing Song 2017
“Butterfly Fly Away” Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus)
7 weeks went by too fast
Camper days make up our past
Little girls we’ve grown up here at camp
Learned to laugh and learned to care
Friendships made from everywhere
We have always had each others backs
We never did it all alone
29 sisters in one home
Leaving is as hard as it could be
And when we couldn’t sleep at night
Our counselors always held us tight
They were there to show us how to lead
We are done as CITs
Won’t forget the memories
Changed the kind of people we will be
Wish we had just one more night
Saying goodbye just isn’t right
We embraced each and everyday
Memories never fade
Memories never fade
Memories never fade
How we wish that we could stay
Every year we live 10 months for two
We are forever changed
We are forever changed
As a group we’ve found our way
Highs and lows we’ve helped each other through
Camper days
Camper days
Camper days
Camper days end today
In our hearts camp will stay
Forever we’ll love this place
29 sisters remain