A GREAT start to the summer of 2019!!

Our first full day of camping could not have been much better. Oh these are the days we will remember. Sunny skies greeted us at flagpole where we sang our hip hip hoorays for the birthday girl of the day (Kayla D.) camper of the day (Leah Gray) and counselor of the day (Genevieve K.). Campers enjoyed hot oatmeal a variety of fresh fruit banana bread and cold cereal for breakfast.  
By lunchtime campers were signed up for their first round of activities. Throughout the afternoon campers were swimming blobbing tubing and sliding into the lake using our GIANT water slide. Cabins rotated through a series of different activities with their age group and had fun playing tennis games dodgeball kickball trampball and nuke em! As I walked around camp all afternoon every camper I stopped was smiling from ear to ear. This summer marks my 31st summer and I am beyond happy to say…..this has been the easiest start I can recall in the past 8 years! 
The first week it’s normal for campers to experience bouts of homesickness. Like every summer we had a few tears last night but they were fleeting. By morning one camper I hugged tightly the night before was hugging me at breakfast with the biggest smile and said “I love my cabin and I want you to know I feel much better.” This is all so very normal. If you should get a homesick letter please believe me when I tell you on day 2 we have the happiest set of campers I’ve ever seen so early in the ballgame! This should be WONDERFUL news for all our firste parents. 
Tonight we selected our Blue & White Team captains for the summer of 2019!  All our CIT’s are leaders for our historic Blue & White program.  They have a spirit that is contagious and they love our traditions.  With a gentle push into Blue Lake summer captains were revealed. This year the Blue Team is proud to have Harley Cohen and Caroline Routh as their captains.  The White Team will be lead by super captains Devyn Much and Ava Silverglade.  Our annual tug of war on the upper athletic field went to the Blue Team then to the White Team and the Blue Team seniors took the 3rd tug. We ended our night arms around one another singing Stadium. 
Camp is quiet which tells me the pace and excitement has already caught up to most of our campers. I can’t wait to get up to do this camp thing all over again in the morning. Sleep well. It’s lights out at Agawak!
Smile on and full speed ahead!