The clock is sadly winding down. We realize our summer together is coming to an inevitable end. Put simply….we don’t wanna go home.
The lake is buzzing with tubers and the waterfront toys are in high demand on this beautiful north woods summer day. Campers are enjoying the slip-n-slide, auction prizes for Agawak dollars, Ford truck rides, Blue Lake, outgoing physicals and the company of their camp friends. With late night treasure hunt behind us, we have awards night, a day of activities, final campfire and closing Blue and White ceremonies to look forward to.
When your camper returns home you may notice they seem a little different. Sharing a communal living space at Agawak instills a sense of responsibility to those around them and empathy for those friends and counselors living and learning with them everyday. Our Blue and White program builds a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship that teaches our campers what the games are really about – the unity of the team will always be more important than any single win. Many campers perform on stage, whether at Lip Syncs or at an evening program, for the very first time and are empowered with a sense of bravery and accomplishment at having the courage to do so in front of a big crowd. Our kiddos have the freedom to choose their friends and what they want to eat and the things they love to do…and they do it with great spirit. They come home with a new found sense of independence and confidence. While it’s always a little bittersweet to watch your children grow up quickly, I’m grateful to be a part of their growing process and love seeing how much they flourish and mature each and every summer at Agawak.
This was a fantastic summer on multiple levels. I’m immensely proud of all our campers who missed home at the start of camp but who now are sad to leave Agawak. I’m proud of our incredible staff for their selflessness, endurance, energy and commitment. Our staff worked hard day in and day out. The countless smiles from ear to ear is pure proof. I hope one day, every camper and staff member feels this place is their second home. Camp is about the friendships, the activities, the inside jokes, Blue and White games, sisterhood, cabin chats, but more than anything, it’s about the special moments that only happen at Agawak.
Smile on and full speed ahead to the very end!