Priority Registration

They have been mailed!

Priority registration forms for our current campers have been mailed and you should have received them by now.  If you have NOT, please email the office at sends e-mail) to request another copy.  Please include your mailing address in the email so we can verify your information is going to the correct address.

A couple of important points when sending in your registrations:

  • Always send in your deposit and registration form TOGETHER.  Campers are not officially registered until BOTH are received.
  • Yes, ALL returning campers must have a completed registration form
  • Don’t forget to mark which session you want.
  • Note any changes to address or email.
  • Grade should be what your camper is CURRENTLY IN.
  • Siblings may register at the same time by using the Sibling form on our website.

It was Agawak and YOU in the Big 1-2 and next year campers will be ………….

“Livin’ the Dream in 2013