Our Halloween bash was heaps of fun. When campers personally go out of their way to thank me for how much fun they had I know it was a fun event. We had creative costumes funny costumes scary costumes and many originals. Candy was flowing freely as campers tried to win candy at the many carnival games surrounding the inside of the tennis courts. Beyond the walls of the tennis courts campers enjoyed hayrides fire truck rides and a haunted house designed by our fist year junior counselors. It was the perfect night for little ghosts and goblins to be running around camp. The nurses reported a few tummy aches after the evening program but not as many in years past.
The weather has been hot and very humid. We honored birthday girl of the day Janet Snyder camper of the day Alexis Mauer and counselor of the day Michella Baker before heading off to breakfast. At breakfast I could hardly carry on a conversation with anyone. Campers and counselors sang as loud as they could to get the administrative staff to ban activities and replace them with a waterfront day. A compromise was reached and the morning we were in full activities but gave them the afternoon to enjoy Agawak’s impressive waterfront.
The girls in fishing have been realing in an abundance of fish. This morning they caught several Bluegills sunfish and bass. They kept several larger fish and got to watch some staff members filet them. Then it was time to cook them up and taste their catch of the day. Most of the girls were pleasantly surprised by how tasty their catch of the day tasted.
When the weather is hot and sunny the place to be is on Agawak’s waterfront. This afternoon we had paddle boarders skiers sailors canoeers kayakers swimmers and blobbers going full speed ahead on Blue Lake. Even during rest period we had every new camper tubing the waves with their big sister which is either a PA or CIT. We certainly try our hardest to squeeze as much fun out of a day as we can. The parade shirts just arrived from the printers and will be handed out within the next few days. Tonight the camp will have its first Blue and White Lip Sync practice of the summer. After a hot and busy day it will be a semiphs and feats of accomplishments the Agawak experience has remained at its core essentially the sameent that promotes leadership friendship and community. I see new traditions emerge every summer and we hold on to the old traditions as much as we can. If we do something three or four years in a row it automatically becomes a tradition. Then if we stop doing it for whatever reason the campers feel that this is something that has always been done. Traditions are an essential part of our lives. It is only fitting that camp where the feeling of community is strong honors traditionp.
Over the years I have tried to hold on to traditions. The kids really expect and look forward to them. Some of Agawak’s earliest traditions are still a part of the camp experience. Sitting on the fireplace mantel of the office sits an original Blue and White Team trophy from the 1920’s. Our Color Wars date back to the early 20’s and this tradition is still alive and going stronger than ever. Inside every cabin plaques hang on the walls and recognize campers who have come and gone. We still value this important tradition and each summer every cabin is required to paint a plaque which will remain long after campers are gone. One of first things Alumni look for when they return is their name on the cabin plaques. Although the tempo may have changed over the years we still sing many of the old Agawak songs. The other day I came across an old box of Agawak pictures. I lost myself in those pictures for awhile. I guess camp has seen it all bloomers to running shorts and everything in between.
Since we’re talking about traditions it’s only fitting that tonight we will wake the camp up for another traditionidnight Movie. Yes in less than an hour we will be heading into town to take over the Lakeland Cinema in our pajamas. It’s a hot muggy evening so sitting in an airpers will NOT let me get rid of this wacky tradition. Our featured movies will be Cars II and Monte Carlo. Don’t fret! Tomorrow morning we will compensate for lost sleep by sleeping in late. I can hear the screaming already as campers run to the buses chattingidnight Movie Midnight Movie over and over again.
Time to wake everyone up!
Mary and staff