The Final Days of First Session

Yesterday afternoon we had a fun rest period down at campfire listening to the Empty Pockets Band from Chicago. Former camper Erika Holleb called me last week to tell me she was in the area with her band. We both brainstormed and decided the campers would love a mini rock concert down by the lake during rest period.  The good weather held out and it was a picture perfect afternoon to be rocken’ out together. Campers and counselors were swaying and dancing to the music. It was one of those spur of the moment activities that uplifted the entire camp. Mind you not that we needed any uplifting here to begin with but it was a feel good experience for all of us.  It was twelve years ago that Erika was last here but I remember her well. She was always kind and caring and had a beautiful voice.  She hasn’t changed much except now she gets paid to sing.  I tell my campers often to think about what they want to leave behind after they have gone. I tell them to think about what they would like others to remember about them. I remind them that where ever they go their character goes with them.
Last night a long game of Commando was played to round out Olympic Day. Commando involves each team completing 8 different tasks. Some tasks are mind games while others involve strength and agility. One of the tasks had the campers searching for puzzle pieces that were strategically placed around the picnic area. In another task campers had to work together to stand on a small rectangular block without falling off. Throughout all of the activities the campers used teamwork and cooperation to succeed! All of the campers and counselors had a blast throughout the night! Camp Horseshoe took first place in Commando followed by Timberlane Kawaga and Ojibiwa.  Jessica Filler and Dani Sutker have done a nice job of overseeing and organizing this special event.  When the final scores were tallied Camp Ojibwa took home the blue ribbon to close Olympic Day. Camp Horseshoe found themselves in second place followed by Kawaga and Timberlane.
Parent’s Day is fast approaching.  On July 16th the camp gates will open for visitors starting at 9 am.  Parents will have the opportunity to walk the property meet counselors and tour activity areas of interest.  We encourage campers to show off their beautiful camp and hope all of you will join us for a delicious cookout lunch starting at 12:30 pm near the main lodge.  Parents are then welcome to take their full season camper off the camp grounds for the evening and return them back to camp Sunday morning by 11:30 am. Please leave your pets at home.  When returning your camper PLEASE do not get out of your car.  We ask that you say your goodbyes quickly.  The quicker the goodbye the fewer tears there will be.  Mothers remember to stay strong.  You may fall apart once you drive away.  It will be our job to then get them back into full speed ahead camp mode.
First session campers only have two days left and then it’s back to carpeting and clean feet.  On July 15th first session campers going home on the bus will leave camp around 8:30 am.  Buses should arrive at Deerfield High School between 2:30 depending on traffic.  Please make sure you remember to collect all your camper’s belongings before leaving Deerfield High School.  Second session campers will need to arrive at Deerfield High School at 8:00am on July 17th to get their boarding passes.  Buses will depart Deerfield High School promptly at 8:30am.  Please call the camp office immediately if you are stuck in traffic or are held up for any reason.  Campers coming up on the bus for second session should remember to pack a lunch for the ride up to camp.  
Tonight campers will perform their Blue and White liped by each team.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again “I could sell tickets to this performance.”  When I watch them dance and sing I’m convinced I never knew how to dance.  The energy in Happy Camper Hall will be freely flowing.
I’m thankful we have one more full day of fun and laughter before we have to say goodbye to part of our Agawak family.  This is one happy camp director who will be sad come Friday morning when I have to hug campers goodbye.  Until then I’ll keep on smiling.
Mary and staff