Wednesday was backwards day here at camp. Cabin 10 had an overnight at the teepee and I surprised them with Paul Bunyan sugar donuts at flagpole. We woke up for a pizza bagel dinner and had ice cream sandwiches for dessert. After a yummy supper we headed to a Blue and White closing practice. It’s hard to believe the White Team and the Blue Team will be singing their team goodbye song to one another in 6 short days. None of us are ready to close out the summer. We are holding on to every precious moment.
The afternoon was a thrilling program “To the Top of Agawak Mountain”. We are in the final stretch of Blue and White. A few more games and a few more ear piercing cheers will go out. To the Top of Agawak Mountain is a back and forth battle of teamwork brains endurance and skill. All of the games we play have something for everyone. If you’re not athletic you can help your team using creativity or intellect. A camper may be the best team supporter and encourager. Regardless of what your abilities and strengths are everyone counts and everyone contributes. We have an extremely special B & W program that is truly like no other camp I know. The sisterhood and history behind it is legendary.
Wednesday night we hosted a morning PJ party in Happy Camper Hall to help celebrate backwards day. Ducky served up his famous brownies and we danced the night away with Camp Menominee who was also dressed in their pajamas. The funniest thing is that we purposely neglected to tell the girls that the boys were coming until we opened up the large overhead door to Happy Camper Hall and they saw Camp Menominee standing there.
This morning we had our Lake Swim. Forty six campers plunged into Blue Lake and enjoyed hot chocolate after. Nora P. Dallas B. Amelie S. Gabby P. Caroline B. Sydney B. Lucy F. Aliza G Mira A. and Joanna H. were some of our top finishers. The Lake Swim is more about the challenge of successfully completing it than who crosses the finish line first although coming in first is certainly an accomplishment. The cheering and encouragement heard across the beach always warms my heart.
Olivia Baker and Chloe Weiss were selected as camper and counselor of the day. It’s a good morning for hot homemade pancakes. Everyone is excited for a full day of activities. The sun is shining and we will be running around camp today bouncing from one activity to the next. A day trip is scheduled to head to Crystal Lake with 13 campers blended from cabins B J and 3. Cabin 14 will head to the tepee tonight after tossing dice and placing bets at our annual Casino Night this evening.
All of us here are aware our time together is dwindling. No one wants to be reminded that August 12th is inevitable. Campers having to leave early have said goodbye with tears streaming down their faces. The more moments we spend together the stronger our bond grows. The care and love I see daily is profound and moving. All of us here know we are a part of something that is extraordinary. Agawak is a place where we can recharge our souls and let our worries go. It’s a place where we will always be “Friends Friends Friends”.
Have a wonderful day.
Camp hugs
Mary & staff