Agawak Spirit Day

Dear Agawak Campers, Staff, Alumnae and Families!

It is almost time for the highly anticipated Camp Agawak Spirit Day! The big day will be next Thursday, November 6th and here is what we need from you! On November 6th, we are asking all campers, staff, alumnae and families to get dressed in Agawak attire from head to toe and to spread our Agawak spirit! Then, take a picture with your friends and email it to:

New this year, we will be having a few different contests. We will post the winners of the following:

1) The largest number of people to be in 1 group picture
2) The picture taken from the greatest distance away from Agawak
3) The camper, staff member or alumnae to be wearing the most Agawak gear

We cannot wait to see your pictures and we will post pictures throughout the day! If you have any questions be sure to email us at:
