All Smiles Here at Camp Agawak!

We had an awesome day of activities on Thursday. Campers in outdoor cooking were all smiles as they made apple cherry and blueberry pie around the campfire. Campers Maya and Ava created a new camp song to the tune of friends in their reflection class which will be sung at our next campfire.
 It was also double skiing Thursday. Campers grabbed a skiing buddy and crossed the waves as a duo while holding hands. As I watched the girls down at archery I shook my head in amazement of their skill level. Chloe Cohen has a record 97 bullspressive.
Campers and staff have been hitting the trails around camp in preparation for the Mike Ross Memorial 5K race tomorrow morning on the bear skin trail. Tomorrow morning at 7am runners will have breakfast and we’ll load the vans and head into town.  Fifty campers will complete the 3.1 mile course and cross the finish line as their camp sisters and townspeople cheer them on.
Last night after B& W Cup Cake Wars The theme for this event was “Downtown Minocqua.” Different stores and restaurants were featured and the campers had to create a cupcake display based on their specific location. Once all the groups were finished they all came together and created their downtown Minocqua themed design! In the end the team that created the best cupcake display for the theme went to…the Blue Team! Cabin H plus Carly Olivia and Lucy from cabin 11 volunteered for an overnight adventure at the teepee. Fresh Paul Bunyan donuts were waiting for them at flagpole this morning.  A fun time was had by all and new friendships were made.
Today is town day and our evening will end with a spectacular July 24th fireworks display like no other right here on the shores of Camp Agawak.
Smile on
Mary 🙂