An Unforgettable Summer

The end of an Agawak summer marks the end of a season of warmth and love. I hope the warmth and love you experienced will serve as fuel for our campers and staff throughout the year. I look forward to the start of camp every year, then it finally comes, and while we live fully each day here, the weeks go by too quickly, and before we know it, our eyes are filled with tears as we say our goodbyes to our camp friends from across the country and world.

As you reflect upon your summer, I hope you feel you changed into a different person….a finer version of yourself.  Living in a close camp community, we became more flexible, more compassionate, more cooperative, more responsible, more courageous, and more confident. We developed leadership skills, tackled new sports and activities. We made new friendships and cemented old friendships that we’ll be connected to for the rest of our lives.

And while we had to say our goodbyes it is never really good-bye. The experience of camp is not seasonal; it is a soul-deep experience that will carry us through the coming weeks, months and the coming
year.  A large part of camp travels with us no matter where we go. The real gift to me as Camp Director…is that I get to see lives change, leaders emerge, and traditions continue year after year. I get to see little girls turn into strong and capable young women. I get to see lives blossom and grow, and this over the past 35 years has made my own life blossom and grow.  Although our summer has ended and the tears from campfire and this morning were overwhelming, immense joy has now taken over.

I’m thankful everyone has arrived home safely or are in the loving hands of their family. THANK YOU to all our campers, counselors, staff and families for being part of the Agawak community this summer. It was an unforgettable and extraordinary season on the sandy shores of Blue Lake. This camp director truly needed an awe-inspiring summer and that’s what we had! Have a wonderful fall and keep in close touch. I miss you already!

Smile on and full speed ahead.

Mary and Team