Another great day on Blue Lake

Camp is quieting down after a busy day today.  After a full week of activities and fun evening programs our second session is rolling right along.  Hard to believe that tomorrow will be our first Lazy Sunday of the session and that our new campers have been here a whole week already!
Today was a fun day called Operation Power Play lead by returning International Staff member Bronwyn.  All of the campers were split into teams of 12 girls 4 from each division and competed against the staff in 19 different activities.  Teams had just a few minutes to complete tasks such as eating a donut on a string paddleboard gladiator egg and spoon relay carrying a tarp full of water up the back path whistling after eating 5 saltine crackers and several other funny events.  Each station had 1embers that competed against the campers.  After each event the score was tallied and the team would move onto the next station.  After all 19 teams went through all 19 stations Operation Power Play ended with a staff vs. campers War Canoe race on Blue Lake!  The campers were in the lead as the staff was heading in the wrong direction but the staff overcame obstacles and came in ahead of the campers in the end.  It was a great day and I can’t wait to hear the final score tomorrow.  I know that I competed in the whistle with saltines competition for one round and won!
Ducky made our usual Saturday night feast of BBQ Chicken BBQ Tofu Baked Potatoes Corn on the Cob and Watermelon.  After our delicious dinner Cabin 15 celebrated Nikki S’s birthday with a delicious cake and the rest of camp enjoyed ice cream bars.
Tonight’s evening program added more excitement to the day with our Junior and Intermediate divisions competing in the Food Olympics!  Events like sorting skittles with your toes eating marshmallows tied with licorice and passing the honey soaked orange are among the favorites of this evening program.  While they were getting sticky in the Upper Athletic Field and Little Siegel Park the Seniors all headed into town for an Alphabet Photo Scavenger Hunt. I drove a van with a cabin of the youngest seniors and they were SO excited to “finally” be Seniors and be able to participate in this program.  The girls had a lot of fun going around town taking their pictures with something to represent all the letters of the Alphabet.  T is for Torpy Park!
We are all looking forward to Lazy Breakfast tomorrow and Ducky’s famous pancakes.  We have some fun clinics planned for the morningP and the ski staff are going to put on a slalom ski clinic. After lunch the campers will sign up for their second round of activities for second session and we will jump right into those activities on Monday morning.
I hope you all enjoy a Lazy Sunday as well and hope that someone makes you pancakes too.  We are sure lucky to be here on Blue Lake with an amazing group of campers and staff.
Sleep well
Suzi MP and the Office Staff