A Big Surprise Is In Store For Tonight….

It was a beautiful 75 degree day at Agawak today.  Chloe Cohen and Alice Brown were flattered to be selected as camper and counselor of the day.  At flagpole cabin H was all smiles as they made it back in time for breakfast after spending a night at the teepee.  They enjoyed a night of cabin bonding campfire stories and smores. They reported a spectacular and unusually bright moon.  
Campers were skiing the shoreline of Blue Lake catching small mouth bass sailing in all directions and making tasty quesadillas in outdoor cooking.  The gymnastics hall was buzzing with active gymnasts tumbling their way through the gymnastics hall.  Candles were being dipped and dripped in the candle shop and our girls in archery were hitting bull’sp was full of life as happy campers ran from one activity to the next.
Carly our head wilderness trip’s director took adventurous campers on a day hiking trip to Timm’s Hill.  They hiked to the highest natural point in Wisconsin and then after climbing 101 steps to the top of the observation tower they enjoyed a breathtaking view of Lincoln County. They also had a pretty great surprise when they entered a cabin with Timm’s Hill relic’s insidep Agawak was well represented! The day wrapped up with a stopover at the Windmill Ice Cream Shoppe on the way back to camp.  Each camper was treated to a yummy scoop of ice cream. Haylie Blumenthal Natalie Frankel Annabelle Garelick Emma Herzog Erika Kider Raegan Sondag Madeline Rubenstein Bella Mauer Sadie Handmaker Leni Thomas Casey Hughes and Niki Segal were the first 13 campers to sign up for this funly placed with individual cabins for Takota’s next top model.  Campers got to” dress a talent. The evening program was hilarious. We were thoroughly entertained. Kaitlin Fisher and Mollie Smetana came in first place for their performance as first period snack. Mollie was the Whole Grain Goldfish snack and Kaitlin was an apple. This year’s CITs are a talented and witty group of girls who are adored and looked up to by every camper in camp.
It’s a secret so don’t tell anyone. Tonight after everyone is fast asleep we will quietly wake campers and staff up for midnight movie.  In our pajamas with eyes half open we will board the buses and head to the Lakeland Cinema to watch Pitch Perfect 2 and Inside Out.  Tomorrow we will catch up on a bit of sleep to make up for the hours of lost sleep. With the 4th of July around the corner I have to make sure our dancers are ready to boogie through the main street of Minocqua.