On Thursday we woke up to clear skies and smiling faces. The morning was spent cleaning up cabins getting bags out and finishing up swim tests. After a delicious lunch the girls had a rest period that allowed them to write letters home. While the campers just arrived yesterday they have already experienced so much! During the afternoon the girls signed up for their round of activities and enjoyed the beautiful waterfront.
Tonight we officially kicked off our Blue and White competition as new campers were assigned a team. It was amazing to hear the screams and cheers in the lodge as each new camper at Agawak found out which team they were on. Once all girls found out their teams we headed down to the waterfront and the CITs lined up on each of the docks. It is a longstanding tradition that the CITs stand on the edge of the dock as we count backwards from 10. When we get to 1 last year’s captains push the new captains into the water. It is always so wonderful to see the excitement across the faces of the CITs and to see them all come together as a team. The white team will be led by Sam S. and Emily S. and the blue team will be led by Meredith R. and Stephanie G. All of the CITs jumped into the water to congratulate their friends. It was truly heartwarming! After brief team meetings all camper and staff reassembled at the waterfront for the first game of the season…tugediates and seniors all gave it their best and we had some of the best tugs that we’ve ever had. The intermediates held on tight and the rope even stayed still for a few seconds!! After the campers pulled the staff had a chance to give it their all. The campers loved seeing their counselors participate and try their best!
Tomorrow we are excited that cabins X and 4 will be the first cabins to enjoy a night under the stars in our brand new TEPEE!! We cannot wait to hear about their amazing experience!
As camp turns quiet for the evening it is a wonderful feeling to know that the girls have completed ALL of their red tape have gone tubing and swimming and have signed up for Activities. Tomorrow we hit the ground running as we move into a full day of activities. After only being at camp for 36 hours we are already moving FULL SPEED AHEAD!