Anticipation and excitement filled the air Tuesday night as returning campers snacked on rice krispie treats and lemon bars and headed to the upper athletic field for our famous Fiky Ikus and Uhp as our first time campers were given their team color for life. Balloons containing white or blue dyed baby powder hovered over their heads. Quickly a pin popping each balloon sent campers running through their team’s tunnel.
After the reveal we gathered at the waterfront and disclosed team captains which always ends in a massive CIT water plunge and both teams screaming and hugging one another. Then it was off to team meetings to learn songs and cheers still alive after all these years. The night ended with several traditional tug of wars and that familiar Stadium Song sung on the shores of Blue Lake.
By activities were running full speed ahead. Every program area was buzzing with activity. From Indoor Cooking to Basketball Tennis to Archery Waterskiing to Agalog Softball to Jogging Pottery to Gymnastics and Biking to Tango Tower — it was awesome!! The fields and courts were humming. Humming! The waterfront was filled with swimmers canoeists waterskiers fisherwomen paddle boarders and sailors! Our evening ended with an all time camp favorite…..GoldRush.
Today it’s another gorgeous bright sunny day just perfect for another day of full activities.The past several days we’ve seen friends reunite and “newcomers” become part of the extended Agawak family! We hope everyone is having a great time at home (although we know we’re having more fun here). Stay tuned for more updates!
Full speed ahead and smileary & the Agawak Crew