Yes it’s TRAVEL time again. Below is important information regarding each.
Bus Information June 17th:
Where: Costco 2900 Patriot Blvd Glenview IL
When: Check Departure 8:30am sharp
**Milwaukee stop will be at the Radisson Hotel on the corner of Hwy 100 & Hwy 41/45 in Menomonee Falls. Pick up will be approximately 10:00am!
Pack a light lunch (nut free please) snack and drink
Please park in designated areas and follow staff directions
No pets allowed
If you are dropping off by car:
Drop off is by the tennis courts between 12:30
A quick goodpany their camper any further than the drop off point
Camp Agawak Bag Service (CABS) ilies in the Chicago and surrounding areas only
Pick up for First and Full season campers will be on: June 13th
Rookie 1 campers riding the bus will bring their bags to the bus.
Each duffel must weight NO more than 70 lbs
Camper will be asked to send unnecessary items home
$120 for round trip bag pick up/delivery $65 for one way (prices are for two duffels)
Check payable to CAMP AGAWAK BAG SERVICE is due at time of pick up
Bag pick up for Rookie 2 and Second session campers will be on: July 11th