I’m often asked by people not familiar with the exciting flurry of summer camp life “So what do campers do all day?” Even some parents are not quite sure exactly what goes on here in the course of a day. Since I can’t expect you to read a 50ple overview of a day in the life of an Agawak camper.
There are six activity periods three before lunch and three after Rest Hour. On Sunday afternoon’s we have a new signing week. Some cabin mates prefer to sign up together though we also see many girls pairing with friends from other bunks. An activity can be often populated with girls of all ages which builds community and older girls get to build their mentorship skills.
When I walk around camp I am astounded by how much our campers pack in on any given day. I see girls coloring fabric with henna dyes at Hippie Living; running miniatch on the tennis courts; their heads buried in their notebooks writing for Agalog; making gluten free fettuccini from scratch at our indoor cooking facility Cookwood; shooting targets at archery and riflery and of course they are all over our breathtaking waterfront.
On any given morning or afternoon there will be girls sailing a Sunfish out on our snorkeling pontoon boat skiing on a slalom ski in tandem behind our 5 Mastercraft ski boats paddling kayaks taking refreshing swims playing water basketball in clear Blue Lake or pulling a small mouth bass out of the water.
Then I’ll walk away from the beach up the back path and see campers doing back flips in gymnastics or ascending the climbing wall and flying across the Tango Tower zip line. As I stroll back to the Lodge I smell vegetables roasting on an open fire in our Outdoor Cooking activity. I am stopped by a camper from Cabin 3 who presents me with a beaded necklace she made in Arts & Crafts. My last stop is to watch in awe as I see a dozen girls stretching on mats with amazing flexibility under the direction of our two wonderful yoga instructors.
What do the campers do in a day? This is only a small sample of what they do. Let’s just say we keep them busy and engaged. Then the day may end with a Blue and White game or an energetic evening activity such as the muched Club Agawak. Yes in our fragrant pine forest the girls of Agawak are always going “full speed ahead”.