Dear Agawak Families
Due to the devastating events which occurred in Highland Park yesterday it was a rough day for us here. Shortly after returning from a very early morning “sunrise shopping spree” in Minocqua we heard news of the tragedy which took place. My heart aches and is heavy. I want you all to know your kiddos and our staff are doing exceptionally well as we navigate through the many emotions.
Before lunch we met with our staff to debrief events. By either email or text confirmation we quickly were able to confirm before 1pm that all our camp families were safe. Once we received this good confirmation news we huddled together in cabin groups according to age and
shared only the fundamental facts about what took place and squashed misinformation. We wanted to assure everyone of two very crucial things…. 1. Their family members were safe back home and 2. They are all safe and supported here at Agawak. Our admin team then “popped into” cabins during rest hour to double check on campers and counselors and to reassure them again that their families are safe and they are surrounded by a large safety net at Agawak.
Our counselors and campers have been beyond supportive and caring of one another. I am proud of how our camp community has rallied and found strength in one another. After much talking accessing emotions reactions and answering their questions the decision was made to continue on with the annual 4th of July parade dance. If anyone wanted to opt out they certainly were given the opportunity. The distraction and happy vibe was pure medicine. As usual our Agawak girls were the hit of the town and smiles were plenty! We were truly missed by the townspeople the past two summers.
Rest assured we will continue to listen to talk to comfort and watch them closely in the days ahead as they continue to process their feelings. We ask that you keep your communication coming as letters from home will again reassure them that you are secure carrying on and safe at home. Remind them to enjoy camp life where they are safe surrounded by friends and cared for.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and quick response today! As always please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns.
With deep gratitude