Exciting First Week

How can it be that so quickly one week has flown by? How can it be that almost instantly old friends reunite and newcomers feel like part of the Agawak family? Every day campers old and new are embraced like family members who haven’t seen each other in years!  All areas of camp are humming! The programming and overall weather have been great with campers honing new skills and participating in new activities not yet tried. What an amazing first week we have had. I want to slow our time together down. The week has gone by too quickly.
On the sun was shining and we were full speed ahead into activities. Campers rotated through various activities with their cabins including archery waterskiing tango tower swimming outdoor cooking volleyball and tennis. There were many “standing O’s” given out at dinner time for all our brave campers who tried new things! It’s been several decades since cabin groups have rotated to activities together. I guess our 100th summer has a bit of “old school” in it but not for long! 
Our Evening Program coordinators Emma Plattner & Alexis Maurer ran a wonderful “Minute to Win It” activity this past week. Campers traveled around camp completing numerous challenges all within a minute. Campers also enjoyed our famous “Steal the Bacon” water balloon game and a mystery game called “Where’s Summer?” This game involved running all around the camp property to uncover the secret code which set Summer (Agawak’s Golden Retriever) free! Our week has been packed with parade dance practice tubing waterfront fun Ducky’s famous lazy breakfast chocolate chip pancakes COVID FREE testing outside dinner dance parties friendship bracelets Kindness Day and a heartfelt campfire to name a few. 
After a year of topsyore thankful for the gift of Agawak. Our campfire tonight was incredibly special. Our neighbors far and wide across Blue Lake could hear our happy voices. Campfire girls spoke from the heart which brought several to tears. 
I’m thankful for our time together and for the staff who will go down in history as the staff who made your daughter’s camp experience and our 100th summer possible.  
We look forward to every single day with your daughter and can’t wait for this Wednesday when we will be able to “open Agawak up ” and go back to our normal camp schedule that campers have come to love and cherish! The fun has just begun my friends! Hold on to your seat.
Smile on & Full Speed Ahead!