Our first session friends have left us. Camp is much quieter without them. The tears we shed at campfire last night prove how much we love one another & Agawak. I’ve witnessed tremendous growth in our campers heading home. They should be proud of their accomplishments. Some of them went from homesick campers to “camp sick” campers. I consider myself fortunate to have spent some time in the woods with all the campers from first session. I knew it would be hard saying goodbye at campfire….and I was righte attached to your campers it makes saying goodbye all that much harder. As I say goodbye I remind myself that farewells are not forever (I hope) nor are they the end. Although we may be separated by time and distance nothing will diminish the special time we had together in such a beautiful place. Our summer or summers at Agawak will always play an important role in our lives.
I wish all of you happy adventures good friendships and more amazing experiences until we meet again. Can miles really separate us from camp friends? If you want to be with someone you care about….aren’t you already there? We will carry all of you gone close to our hearts.
May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again may God hold you in the hollow of his hand. (Irish blessing)
On a lighter note check out this article. I think most of you will get a kick out of it!