A Fun Filled Fourth

Once again the girls of Agawak were the stars of Minocqua’s Fourth of July Parade. The girls’ energy and passion for camp was explosive during the hourain avenue a celebration that brings out thousands of cheering townspeople and visitors who line the streets. 
Many of the locals tell us that it is the Agawak girls all 175 of them dancing in synchrony to “Hey Mickey” smiling their brightest smiles that is the highlight of the historic parade year after year. Their comments revolved around this common theme: What do you do at camp that makes those girls so happy?”
There is no precise formula to create a happy child as every parent knows. But there is one quality we do know that definitely contributes to those huge smiles and sense of wellake sure that each camper knows Agawak is a safe place to share feelings and that there is a caring community of people who really listen and want the best for them.  We make sure our girls know they are loved here in their summer home. Knowing you are loved and supported is that spark that makes for a wellper.
On Friday night we gave the entire camp a warmp sat in their jammies and cozy robes the girls watched in awe as rockets of color shot through the sky relentlessly blues and reds and pinks and greens lit up the night sky.  Your girls will attest to this: While CNN covers more famous firework displays such as those near the monuments in Washington D.C.; the camp light show they witnessed on the shores of Blue Lake was just as awesome as any in our nation. 
Perhaps these fireworks were even more awesome than any other display they might have seen because the girls watched them in their warm and loving circle of Agawak friends.  Anyone looking on from the outside world wonders what makes our campers so happy. Along with our contagious spirit a key factor is their support and love of each other.  It is this extraordinary web of friendship and loyalty that pulls your child back to Agawak year after year.
Second week in under clear and sunny skies and a game of Blue and White Kidnapped we are off to an explosive start ecstatic that this glorious summer is just at its start.
Smile on
Mary and staff