Fun in the Sun!

Good Evening Campers
It’s the last night in July.  Hard to believe.  We have had a wonderful week of gorgeous weather and with the weather we have been able to have a full week of activities.  It culminated tonight with a social (SOCIAL SOCIAL!!!) with Camp Horseshoe.  We DJ’d it ourselves which is always fun.  While we were dancing the night away our PA’s are participating in the annual Relay for Life.  We have been participating in this event for many years now just like the Mike Ross run which is just another example of how committed we are to our community.  We will see our PA’s tomorrow and boy will they be tired!  Lucky for them (and us) we have Lazy Sunday!   But on Saturday!!! Hey it’s camp…we can do anything we want!!!  After such a long week in the sun it will be nice to slow the girls (and staff) down and let them sleep a bit later. 
Yesterday after a full day of activities we had an evening program that was cabin competition games.  Different cabins were grouped together by age and played Softball Kickball or Nuk’em.  I always loved games that involved my cabin when I was a camper so it was fun watching the girls play.  As I walked around it looked like every game was really fun and the next day I had so many staff members tell how much fun they and their campers had.  When the games were over it was still light out so we allowed a quick dip in the shallow end of our swim area for girls to cool off.  Many of the younger cabins took full advantage of this while some of our older cabins took the extra time before darkness to play a little cabin/counselor tennis.  We get so busy with Blue and White and activities that sometimes just good old cabin time is just whet the doctor ordered.
This weekend we are joined by some of our Alumnae.  Our own Iris Krasnow is serving as hostess to about a dozen former Agawakians  joining us through the weekend.  As the camp had fun in HCH with the social our Alum were down at the campfire roasting marshmallows reminiscing and singing songs.  Then as the campers were winding down in their cabins Suzi and I heard the Alumnae going from cabin to cabin singing songs to the girls as they patrolled camp to help put everyone to bed.   How’s that for bridging generations!!!
Tomorrow I will be taking our Alumnae skiing and out on the water while our campers are getting ready for Final Four which begins Sunday.  More on that to follow. 
We hope all of you are having as wonderful a summer as us.  So until next time…
Shine On!