Explore Bunk Life

We take great care to provide campers with a warm home away from home bunk experience. Cabin life is about making friends,  having fun and learning to live and work well with others. Relationships with bunk mates and counselors is at the center of each camper’s experience.

Bunk assignments are deliberate and discretionary. They are designed to create a mix of interests, hometowns, schools, and personalities. All summer long we guide campers as they navigate their social worlds and develop lifelong friendships.

Campers are assigned to cabins based on the grade they completed prior to opening day. Each grade group will have multiple cabins. The physical size of the bunk and the number of campers in each cabin varies depending upon cabin dimensions. Younger campers typically sleep 8-12 to a cabin while the older campers have larger bunks which sleep up to 16 campers. The overall camper-staff ratio is 3:1. Our oldest campers completing 10th grade look forward to coming together in one CIT cabin and can accommodate 24 girls and 3 counselors.

All cabins have electricity, ceiling fans, windows with screens, bathrooms with sinks and toilets, a counselor room and heaters although rarely needed. Cabins for our older age groups have bathrooms with showers while younger cabins utilize shower houses adjacent to their cabin. Shower stalls are individual with private curtains and cleaned daily.

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