Dear Family and Friends
MP here. First and foremost I want to wish all of you a happy summer. As I write this we just finished a campfire and a mini fireworks show here in camp. We timed it perfectly in that we ended the show and got the girls back to their cabins just in time for a nice cooling rain to help them get to sleep before the 4th. So I’m sitting in my cabin listening to the rain on the roof (one of the greatest sounds in the world!) and writing my first blog of 2015. Suzi and I have been up at camp for about a month but it feels like a week. Time has been absolutely flying by! But with a group of staff and campers like we have every day has been one to cherish. I can’t even begin to tell you how special our staff has been through prep and now a full week of camp they have been a joy to work with. And our campers!!! Wow! Such spirit such kindness such warmth. We truly have a special family in camp this summer…
So now onto the latest and greatest. Let’s start with last night. MIDNIGHT MOVIE! MIDNIGHT MOVIE! Yes the tradition continues. Suzi and I may be a bit too old for the big MM but we love to hear the screams from the hill we love to see them board the bus we love hearing them return and we LOVE to sleep in late the next morning!!!! So do the girls but not tooo late. This morning we still had a full slate of activities just a bit calmer than usual. The day cooperated as well warm but a bit overcast. A nice day to keep us busy yet recharge our cells to get us ready for the big 4th tomorrow. It was a bit windy down on the lake today so me and the ski guys suggested that some of our regular slalom skiers might want to have a little fun today and turn back the clock to when they used to double ski with their friends EVERY DAY! Many of these girls have become serious slalom skiers. (Cabin 5 are you listening???) Each day is “MP should I try this ski today” or “MP what can I do to get better”. I mean these girls take their skiing serious!!! But they agreed. On the ski dock they said “I haven’t 2 not sure I’ll even get up!!!” But of course they did and they all came back with huge grins!!! Sometimes a step back is really a step forward. We still have girls skiing on the rope for the first time or getting on 1e all kinds of firsts. I tell ya each day on the ski dock is a new story. The rest of camp as busy as well. Up in Arts & Crafts they had a big t back! Sweet! Suzi and I want to thank the girls of Cabin 8 for taking care of us! Over at the Tango Tower girls are climbing and zipping and belaying oh my!!!!! But really that’s just a drop in the bucket.
It’s a little after 10pm camp is SILENT and it’s time for Suzi and I to call it a night. Big BIG day tomorrow. I know I speak for Mary and the rest of our office staff when I wish you all a happy 4th of July! Don’t be too jealous of us here at little ol’ Camp Agawak for Girls…!
Shine on