A Glorious Afternoon

We have packed so much fun into the last few days I don’t know where to begin. We celebrated 20 years of Halloween last night.  CIT’s sat in the dunk tank while others were smeared with whipping cream as younger campers pied them in the face. Hayrides were given on the back path and junior counselors put together a haunted house that wasn’t too haunted. Campers enjoyed their night of trick or treating while playing carnival games for candy. Lots of sweet treats famous sugar cookies and popcorn was consumed by all! 
The weather has been muggy and hot. A perfect combination for a fun waterfront afternoon of tubing blobbing and slipping down our giant water slide. We hooked machine today for some fun in the sun. Mounds of foam could be seen spraying in all directions as campers lathered themselves up. With several feet of bubbles and suds covering the basketball court it was a camp gathering no one wanted to miss out on. 
 After some soap and suds on the basketball courts campers headed to the waterfront to rinse off. Tubing was open all afternoon and campers enjoyed the many water toys Agawak is well known for. Blue and White was in the air this morning as campers played Search Party an enormous game of hide and seek. Tonight we will be covered in food and chocolate syrup for our annual Food Olympics which will end with a rinse off in Blue Lake. 
Sunday morning is lazy breakfast and another signidnight movie extravaganza!
Wishing all of you a happy evening.