Good Vibrations

Best start of the camping season since 1989. We are off to an amazing beginning. The vibe here is upbeat happy and electric.  Last night Ducky over feed us with a Thanksgiving feast of turkey mashed potatoes broccoli and dinner rolls. For dessert we had jello cake with a non Tper Hall for an intense game of Spelling Bee. I’m always impressed with the ability and brains of my campers and staff.  Here’s a sample of some of the words which were used: abnor ambidextrous vouchsafing mendaciously and subvocalized. How many of these words were you able to spell? 

This morning we gathered around the flagpole to honor camper of the day Molly W. counselor of the day Samara H. and BFC camper of the day Vivienne K. and Bissed up to the lodge for Hobo Hash.

It’s a sunny bright day at Agawak which makes it a perfect day for activities.  Many first time skiers took off across Blue Lake. Emma M. tried to get out of skiing telling me she was tired but I told her I was calling her dad to tell him all about her wanting to “ditch” her activity.  I also told her she would feel really good about herself after she went.  At lunch time she came up to me with a wide smile and said “Thank you for making me go. It was awesome and I went all the way around the lake without falling.”

In outdoor cooking they made breakfast in a paper bag.  Breakfast in a bag is hash browns bacon and scrambled eggs cooked over coals in a brown paper bag. I was lucky enough to taste test period 3 breakfast in a bag and I have to admit…. it was good! Who needs an oven when you can cook outside over an open fire? A large group of campers were jamming’ to music outside my office window while they Zumbaed into the afternoon. Even the kitchen girls joined in to Zumba.

Cabin 14 is well on their way to a pizza party with several consecutive perfect scores (70).  In the senior division cabin B has been spotless. I personally inspected the cabins last Saturday and was impressed with how neat and organized the cabins were. However I was not impressed with the amount of junk food found bagged up in the cabins. I will give them two more days to devour all the candy and chips then….. I’ll be sending the sniffing dogs (camp boys) around. Any candy and junk food found will be confiscated and used during Halloween.

Tonight we have our first campfire of the season with campers. At flagpole we will announce our campfire girls from each division as well as counselor campfire girls.  Campfire girls are selected for their kindness spirit and overall character.  Tonight’s campfire girls are: Lexi Aronin. Julia Lackner. Sydney  Kalter Alissa Warsh and Margaret Duffy.  Wes Mp and camper Rachel Ruzumna will be strumming their guitars until sundown. Chloe Cohen and the Agawak Chorus will serenade us with their beautiful voices.

Tomorrow is already Tuesday. How is that possible? It seems like everyone just arrived yesterday. Someone please slow down the hands of time. We want this summer to go by slooooooowly.

High ho high ho it’s off to flagpole we go!

Mary & Amazing Agawak Staff