Good Evening Campers!

MP here. I hope this blog finds you doing well. It’s Monday night and we just finished one of my favorite evening programs…Casino Night!!!! Ok I like it for the snacks but the girls are all about the greenbacks i.e. winning Agawak Dollars! They too love the snacks but the also love winning big money Agawak style. Roulette Wheels Black Jack and other weirder ways to increase your cabin money. The staff all dress up and serve the food run the games and tend the bank. I saw some cabins cleaning up at the tables! Can’t wait to see who came out big winners…. 
Today started with Ducky’s delectable Hobo Hash. I was chatting with Meira M. from Indianapolis before breakfast and she said she didn’t like the Hobo Hash. Why? I asked. The name sounds funny she said. Well that’s not a good reason. Let’s think of a better name. She says “Rainbow Flower Hobo Hash”. I love it! I announced it during the meal. Not sure if anyone else picked up on that. Oh well…. 
Then it was a full day of activities. We have had a bit of bad weather lately but while other camps sit around and mope Camp Agawak goes FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!! We didn’t have sunny skies and maybe the day started with a bit of rain but the activities all were a go. The ski dock the last few days have been packed regardless of the weather which is nice to see. Neither cold nor rain will keep our dedicated skiers off the water front. The wind was perfect for our sailing program so I saw sailboats out on the lake all day. 
After taco’s for lunch rest period consisted of lipore activities brought us to dinner. Ducky treated us to his homemade fish fry roasted red potatoes and homemade coleslaw. I love Ducky’s coleslaw. We truly are lucky to have Ducky as our cook for the last 20+ years. 
Tomorrow we are expecting another scorcher but we will start the day with our Lake Swim with hot chocolate to follow. We have over 50 campers signed up to swim! The Lake Swim is always a special and heart warming success. Then another day full of activities. Wednesday night’s activity is Lip Sync followed by Thursday night’s campfire. That will close out our first session. Where does the time go?????? 
Driftin’ and Dreamin’