Hats Off to Our Amazing Staff….

One of the reasons why Agawak continues to shine brighter than the rest is because of the young counselors and staff selected each summer to care guide and nurture our campers. Day in and day out I see counselors giving of themselves in tremendous ways.  The BEST counselors are the ones that give so unselfishly. They give up a night off to be Olympic Day captains. They are the ones that lead evening programs or Blue and White events and put in endless hours which they think go unnoticed.   They are the counselors who spend a night in the ER a day in the Marshfield Clinic and who genuinely hate to take a night off because their campers are begging them to stay.  I have incredibly caring counselors and administrative staff members that are making magical moments happen for our campers.
I am so proud of my American veteran counselors and my hardworking international counselors who embrace this place with all their heart despite the fact they were never campers.  I have to believe because they feel the power of Agawak and realize they too have a second home here just like everyone else.  My young first year counselors are making the transition and are enjoying this new responsibility and leadership. They hold the traditions and love of Agawak in their soul and are discovering that camp is no longer about them.  I sleep very well at night knowing that your child is in exceptional hands. I truly feel in my heart that no other camp has a staff that is willing to go the extra mile day in and day out. Hats off to my staff!!! You have done an exceptional job but remember as the old saying goes “You’re only as good as your last day.”
This morning we plunged into Blue Lake at 7:25 am for “Swim the Lake”. This longong campers staff and enthusiastic observers.  Approximately 50 campers and 34 staff members braved the morning water.  Norah Polonsky and Emma Plattner took the lead early and swam away from the pack.  Natalie O’Brien and Isabella Cesarz were the next to cross the finish line.  The water was calm and storm clouds rolled by much earlier in the morning hours allowing swimmers to enjoy their hot chocolate waiting at the end. 
A handful of campers are headed to Northern Highland State Forest for an overnight camping trip this evening.  Campers signed up based on interest. I’m thrilled this daring group of girls is taking advantage of our outdoor wilderness program. Those headed out to explore the woods included: Hadyn Revell Audrey Smith Lily Waters Jenna Harris Maddy Gallinson Sarina Govindaiah Natalie O’Brien and Ally Werstler.  The past two nights cabin 1 and cabin 9 packed their bags and hiked to the other side of the property to enjoy an overnight teepee trip. They sang songs played campfire games and gobbled up s’mores until it was time to snuggle in their sleeping bags. Connecting with nature is important as most of our young children today are nature deficit. It is difficult to appreciate nature if you are never immersed in it.
Yesterday was a glorious Olympic Day. We broke the camp into 4 teams (Subway KFC Taco Bell and McDonald’s) and competed throughout the day and night in events like basketball tennis dodge ball crossp ball skiing soccer swimming and various other events. We finished our day exhausted with a great game of Commando.  Taco Bell took home the Gold McDonald’s scored Silver and KFC captured bronze.
In a few short days we will open our gates wide for parent’s visiting day.  We look forward to everyone’s arrival on Saturday at 9am.  I’m sad to say goodbye to our first session campers and wish we could press the replay button. It has been an exceptional first session. My only complaint is that it went too fast. 
Tonight we will be laughing uncontrollably in Happy Camper Hall as we bring back an “oldie but a goodie” the Miss Agawak pageant.  Our boys (MP Ducky Brandon and a whole bunch of others) will be dressing up as prom queens from their hometown. I’m expecting my belly to ache afterwards.  I’ve kept this a secret from the entire camp and will “spring it” on them at 6pm flagpole. Camper’s….get your cameras ready. It will be a sight to behold.
We look forward to seeing some of you this Friday and can’t wait to show off our magnificent camp. Safe travels.
Smile on Full Speed ahead.
Mary & staff