The last few days of first session

Living in a cabin daypers and 2p is all about. Our campers are learning to live as a group and this sets the table for becoming an active engaging and considerate teenager college student and adult. Of course like in life there are bumps along the road. Even the most harmonious cabin groups have their moments that are not perfect and each camper has to learn how to navigate through the all group dynamics. Learning to live with and manage these bumps with guidance from counselors and other camp staff is perhaps the most compelling reason why camp is so important and why it builds resiliency in children.  While mastering a backhand in tennis getting up on a slalom ski conquering the climbing tower or sailing Blue Lake are all ingredients to an amazing summer it’s the group dynamics and lessons learned on how to get along with others that help campers become better friends and a better version of themselves. 
Our first session has flown by with ease. I can’t recall a first session with such outstanding weather and such an easy transition for our campers. It has truly been one of the greatest first sessions in Agawak history and I go to bed with a very tired BIG smile on my face each night. Not only have the campers been GREAT and the weather outstanding but the staff has been amazing.  Our campers are so lucky to have people in their corner 24 hours a day who care deeply about their happiness and health. Hats off to the staff for an incredible first session.
Last night campers danced their hearts out on the stage of Happy Camper Hall as they performed 20 Blue and White Lip Sync songs and one song each for the Blue Team and White Team staff. Our CIT’s and campers felt very proud as they took to the stage. As I sat and watched these well choreographed and well rehearsed lip syncs all I could think about was the enormous amount of creativity hard work and leadership that goes into this favorite night of camp. Campers NEVER cease to amaze me with their talents and creativity.  We have had some past stellar performances but I would have to say this year every single lip sync performance was a home run!!  A few tears were shed by our oldest campers knowing that this was their last lip sync as campers. Another realization that their camper days will be coming to a close as summer moves along. 
Tonight we will enjoy our last campfire for first session. We will say goodade and hug each other tight. For those who are leaving they will come home with happy memories and oodles of camp stories to share. They leave with new skills more friends and will arrive home as better people because of their camp experience. The growth they experienced in such a short time is something they should all be very proud of.  Thank you for sharing your daughter with us.
Our campers taking the bus on Friday morning should arrive back in the Chicago are around 2:00 pm. Please check our website for updates once the bus pulls out tomorrow morning. For those continuing on for second session…. we have LOTS more fun in store. We look forward to visiting day on Saturday. Our gates will open at 9 am!!  The Minocqua police and camp neighbors have asked me to remind all of you visiting to please remain in your cars while waiting for the gates to open. Standing in the road throwing footballs and various other balls is unsafe and blocks the road way. Thank you for your cooperation. 
Get ready to hug your camper tight!