Midnight Movie Social with Ojibwa and more!

Last night we enjoyed our final midnight movie of the summer. Our junior and intermediate campers watched Secret Life of Pets while our seniors viewed Ghostbusters.  We boarded the buses at 11:30 p.m. and made it just in time before the wind and heavy rain set in. All of us were safe and sound when the thunderstorm back at camp hit. We were nestled at the Lakeland Cinema oblivious to the outside elements. By the time the movies ended the weather had lifted and it was back to camp for some much needed sleep.
This morning we slept in late to make up for lost sleep. After a hearty pancake breakfast and cabin inspection campers meet at their indoor meeting spots for a final Four opening ceremony practice.  Today is wing Wednesday and that means Ducky’s homemade wings (hot barbecue and plain).  The kitchen will serve up approximately 2500 wings for lunch with the most popular being barbecue. 
Several girls from Cabins 2 4 and 5 ventured out to the tepee this past Tuesday. Our tepee program is mounting in status due to a new layer of padding the Margie/ Iris show and fresh morning donuts.  One camper Katie told me she never knew stars in the sky could be as bright as the ones she saw in the sky above the tepee.  Her reflective observation made me smile.  Katie is learning to appreciate the beauty around her and appreciating her natural surroundings.
Today we will all be rocking in Happy Camper Hall as we sing our way through the afternoon in an all camp favorite “Songa.”  Campers will select a song and change the words and make it intoan  Agawak tune. They will perform the new song on stage and after the curtain closes will receive Agawak dollars and a special treat from Mary providing they bring home the “blue ribbon” for their cabin. Later this evening we will host our camp friends from Ojibwa and dance the night away with homemade brownies in hand.
More fun is on its way so stayile on
Mary and staff