Yesterday the spirit at camp could be heard from miles away. The “Amazing Race” was in full action. Taken after the reality TV show each cabin was assigned to a specific location in camp. The bell rang and the cabins were told to complete a task. After the task was complete the counselors read a riddle to lead the cabins to the next clue. We had campers in our war canoes running on the nature path backwards rallying in tennis digging for balloons in the sand walking with crutches speed stacking cups red girl relay searching for “M and Ms” in pudding etc. I have never seen girls running cheering smiling and laughing to the extent they did today.
A big storm cloud rolled in which put the program at a pause. The girls begged to continue but with the rain starting we sent them back to their cabins. The sun came out shortly after and the girls eventually finished the race during the evening program.
The PA’s (campers completing 9th grade) got to sleep until 1:45 pm on Saturday. No we don’t typically allow that to happen. The PA’s participated in Relay for Life at Lakeland High School all night long Friday. The girls walked in honor of those who are currently battling cancer have survived cancer and in memory of those who have died. Although not forced to do any laps the PA’s wanted to do as many as they could to honor those affected by cancer. One PA explained to me that walking the laps was “exhausting and painful but as painful and as hard as it may be to walk for twelve hours straight it is not as hard as fighting cancer.” Those words resonated with me throughout the day and I am so proud of each and every one of the girls. Most PA’s walked an entire marathon and earned over 100 beads for their laps completed. Each color bead represented a different type of cancer. The girls got to choose which bead colors they wanted to add to their necklace after each lap. All proceeds went to the American Cancer Society. Although it is a wonderful cause the experience of doing this together as an age group pulled them even closer together.
When the PA’s were finally awake they were greeted with a surprise and were told they’d be the stars of the afternoon show. We paired 2 cabins together and had the cabins choreograph their PA’s to Agawak’s rendition of “Dancing with the Stars.” And let me tell you what a show it was! From the ballerinas of Y and 15 to the interpretive dancers of The Woods or the Banana Dance from cabins 9 and 10 we had the whole camp erupting in laughter. There were some true talents within the PA’s but I don’t think they’re ready for the professional tryouts at this point. One thing is for sure: the campers absolutely love their PA’s.
We are missing our wonderful CIT’s but they will be returning tomorrow afternoon from their Boundary Water camping trip. I can hardly wait to hear all about their exciting adventures. No news is always good news when it comes to this trip. They arrive at the outfitters this evening and will have a feast upon their arrival.
This morning was lazy breakfast which means a later sleep for some who needed it and pancakes made to order. Chocolate chips pancakes are the number one order followed by cinnamon plain and blueberry.
Our camp days are flying by at warp speed. The weather continues to allow all of us to enjoy the magnificent activities and programs offered. I hope all of you “back home” are enjoying your summer as much as we are. Is that even possible?
Stay tuned for more camp fun…….
Mary and staff