My Something Blue by Paige Meadows

There is an old wedding tradition that says the bride should have something old something new something borrowed something blue and a sixpence in her shoe. I think those traditions also speak true at Agawak though we have rocks and sand in our shoes instead of an old coin which stopped circulating in 1980. 
The “something old” is the oneazing things you can find at the top of Alumnae Hall. The “something new” is the new staff that come in every year the new walls put up in the cabin (that we all promise we won’t write on) the new games we may play (like “Where’s Summer?”) and the new friendships that await us. The “something borrowed” is the borrowed looks of glee we give each other at flagpole when we can sleep in. The borrowed shirts because no matter how hard we plan we always forget to pack something and the borrowed stories the counselors share on nights off or in between activities. Nothing speaks of Camp Agawak more than “something blue.” We are on the most beautiful lake…Blue Lake. We have the games of White and Blue. Though our friendships are also a something blue. 
Blue is a serene color that represents calm trust and intelligence. All the things you look for in a friend. The friendships you make at camp are unmatched to friendships anywhere else. Living within close proximity to people makes you learn more about people and more about yourself in a way that you can’t possibly describe to someone else. We form bonds stronger then the tightest belay knot on the tango tower. We are with each other 24/7 even our days off are spent together. Two of my bridesmaids are women I met right here and this year I even brought my maid of honor with me. My decision to come back to work at Agawak this summer was an easy one and I was probably one of the first to sign my contract to come back. It is the friendships I have made among the trees here and the love that goes around this place that makes me so thankful for coming back here to my something blue.
Counselor Paige