Oh to be an Agawak Camper

What a beautiful day it was to be an Agawak camper. The sun popped out about 12pm and we had a sunpball gaga ball and activity signe yummy gluten free chicken and wild rice soup. Our rookies went waterskiing for the first time and enjoyed candle making gymnastics and a fun pontoon boat ride. Their 4 nights at Agawak will be jammed packed with new activities. Expect them to return home exhausted full of funny camp stories and new found friends.
Tonight after dinner first time campers were placed on their Blue & White teams.  Shortly after Blue & White team captains (Amanda Amiel Olivia Glantz Samantha Linn and Ilana Spitz) took the traditional first plunge into Blue Lake. Our strong and wonderful CIT (counselor in training) campers taught new and veteran campers historic songs and cheers before heading down to the lakefront for a massive tug of war event. The White Team juniors brought home a W followed up by the White Team intermediate win but it was the senior Blue Team and Blue Team Staff that finished with wins for the Blue Team. We finished our night with singing “Stadium” in rounds. This year’s mascot for the White Team is Reese Millstein and representing the Blue Team will be youngest Blue Team mascot Catherine Smithson.
Campers new and old are excited to start their first series of activities Friday morning.  In every single camp day there are so many magical moments that make me stop and smile. Right before my eyes I see new friendships budding and I think about where those friendships will lead. I see older campers reaching out to younger campers helping them transition. I feel so lucky to be able to witness every summer all the goodness all the energy and the extraordinary sisterhood of Agawak. I’m sorry all of you are not here to witness this incredible atmosphere. 
Throughout the summer I’ll try my best to capture the moment by writing but the pictures on our website will speak volumes. Make sure you know how to access the daily photos downloaded on our website by clicking on SmugMug and entering the password that was sent to you in emails and the Agazine newsletter. Please call or email the camp office for the password if you have forgotten it.
Another day in paradise is awaiting me. It’s time to get some muchore fun!
Smile on
Mary and staff