The sun is shining this morning. It’s going to be a picture perfect day on Blue Lake. Our first activity day awaits us as everyone is signed up and ready for activities to go full speed ahead.
Last night all first year campers were placed on their Blue and White teams. Veteran campers hurried up to the upper athletic field first after dinner and waited in anticipation for all first year campers and rookies to arrive. As our new campers approached the upper athletic field olde campers chanted “BLUE AND WHITE” repeating it until all campers were situated on the field. Then one by one first year campers were given a cupcake with either blue or white frosting inside to bite into or rip apart to show what color team they are on for life. Enormous cheers went out as each new camper’s team was identified. They quickly scurried under the human hand held CIT tunnel and were welcomed into their special team.
We then headed to the waterfront where our CIT Blue and White captains were chosen to lead this summer’s Blue and White games with the help and support of their fellow CIT team members. The left swim dock was lined with Blue Team CIT’s and the right dock had our White Team CIT’s positioned on it. Songs and cheers went out as everyone waited for the traditional “push off the dock” of our CIT captains. This summer Blair Morris Kaitlin Fisher Shayna Rudman and Meredith Rudman will lead the Blue and White games. It’s a longp off the dock together…clothes and all. This summer it was no different. Quickly everyone ran off to team meetings to learn their team’s historic songs and cheers. The night ended with a massive tug was victorious in the junior division but it was the White Team intermediates seniors and White team staff that walked away with the overall win. Mollie Smetana gets the GRIT award for the Blue Team last night as she refused to quit.
Tonight cabin #3 will pack their sleeping bags and pillows and enjoy an overnight adventure to Agawak’s authentic teepee. They will have a night of cabin bonding as they play campfire games roast s’mores and appreciate nature and star gaze. Many cabins this summer will get the opportunity to understand and value nature more through our overnight camping program and teepee trips. This year our head tripper is Carly Wahl who I’m confident will help instill the love of nature in our campers.
Keep those letters coming as campers always look forward to getting mail. Remember NO packages of any kind. Thank you for following through on this important camp rule. The bell is about to ring to start activities so it’s time for me to get out and enjoy all my happy campers.
Smile on
Mary & staff