Last night we had a relaxing evening around the campfire. Camper Campfire Girls (Macy Shutan Lauren Schneiderman Chloe Weiss) and counselor campfire girls ( Allison Grosky Dani Sutker) reflected upon their camp experiences which brought tears and laughter to our faces. By far Dani Sutker gave the longest campfire speech in Agawak history. She reminded me she has been preparing for her moment in the spot light for years. Each speech was unique and special. Campfire speeches pull at our heart strings and remind each one of us to cherish our camp days. Most people never find a place like Agawak to cherish. We have a lot to be thankful for. Campfire is our time each week to give thanks to everyone who makes our moments here so special.
Currently there is a small river flowing down the path from the tennis courts to the lake front. We had quite a rainstorm last night and this morning. Campers are in their cabins preparing for “Agawak’s Got Talent”. Each cabin will perform either a song dance or lip it on stage for the rest of camp.
This afternoon we will most likely be indoors due to weather playing a new game “Guess Who”. Each cabin gets 30 minutes to dress up the counselors in crazy outfits. Then the camp will meet in Happy Camper Hall and all the dressed up counselors will line up on the stage. Each cabin then has a ‘guess’ with the goal of eliminating staff members. For example a cabin may say “Is this staff member wearing red?” If they aren’t (Brittany will pick a staff member secretly to be the one they are guessing for) then everyone wearing red will exit the stage – getting closer to eliminating to the secret staff member. Then we will have a B & W closing practice and announce our social with Camp Horseshoe. The maintenance staff will be on call to fix blown fuses due to the high volume of hair dryers operating.
It’s hard to believe we are already talking about B & W closing ceremonies. Counselors are busy nominating campers for activity awards and cabin of the year has already been decided. Last night staff voted on camper and counselor of the year and the marks are being tallied. The award plaques have been taken off the wall to allow enough time for engraving. We still have a lot of camping left but the end is fast approaching. We have one full week then its back to our other life. I want to make every moment count and just be happy for the time we have left together.
Wishing all of you a very happy day!
Mary and Staff