Today is today is Saturday! Saturday pancakes. Saturday sleeping in. Is everybody happy? Well I should say! Many flap jacks were flipped this morning as campers and counselors had a chance to slow things down a bit and enjoy their third lazy breakfast. At 10:30 a.m. the bell rang for signs and shrieks. This morning was no different. For three hours girls went tubing and enjoyed the Blue Lake sunshine.
It’s a BIG birthday day at Agawak. We are celebrating 6 special birthdays (Lucy Polen Jenna Just Gracie Halperin Sophie Smithson Olivia Stamas and Hannah Korach). Celebrating your birthday at camp is a day surrounded by camp friends a day full of hugs and endless birthday wishes.
This afternoon we played a new game “Rainbow Hunt”. The object of the game was to be the first cabin to collect all 6 colors on a laminated sheet. Every counselor was assigned a color (red orange yellow blue purple and pink) and hid in camp. Campers then searched for the counselors. Campers had to then answer trivia questions. If they weren’t able to answer the question they went to a “mastermind” and were given a clue. If they got the question correct the campers “fill in” a color on their laminated cabin sheet. While they ran around trying to locate the different counselors/colors there were “green meanies” running around trying to erase the colors they had already collected.
Tonight we will host Camp Horseshoe for an evening social in happy camper hall. The kitchen prepared 645 brownies for tonight’s getpers cheer for and rave about our famous chocolate brownies. It’s a small tradition but socials and brownies go hand ark the beginning of Olympic Day. The creativity imagination and resourcefulness of our camp community shine brightly on Olympic Day. We are eager to hear each team’s opening songs and cheers.
In 6 short days we will be saying goodbye to all our first session camp sisters. No one is ready to go home and face “city life”. Be prepared for your camper to be a bit “camp sick” in the days to follow after they return home. The good news is that there will always be another summer. We’ll cram in as much as we can this last week and sorry in advance for exhausted campers headed your way.
Well the dinner bell is ringing in my ear. I guess it’s time for some barbeque chicken corn on the cob and some yummy baked potatoes.
Stay tuned for more fun ahead!
Mary and staff 🙂