I wish I could share with you the triumphs and obstacles that are
over come on a daily basis. Most people have very little idea of the ups and
downs that occur on any single camp day. These ups and downs help to build our character and help to prepare us for the real world. I see the incredible friendships that are forming. The special bonds that form between campers are significant. The longer you’re at camp the more significant the bonds become. A few days ago we had to say goodbye to a camper who needed to be seen by her family doctor. The outpouring of friendship was overwhelming. These girls laugh and cry together and when one of them is hurting they all hurt. It’s true that CAMP FRIENDS are the best kind of friends. You don’t have to think twice when you are with your camp friends. They love you unconditionally and want the very best for you. We have wonderful activities impressive facilities and caring counselors but it’s the camp friendships that keep campers coming back.
Yesterday we spent the morning signing up for a new rotation of activities. After signp Kawaga for a super social. Kawaga is celebrating their 100th birthday this summer. Campers danced to Monster Entertainment slurped on snow cones munched on popcorn/pretzels and hung out with lots of camp friends from various camps in the Northwood’s. Staff & campers were exhausted upon arrival back to camp. A yummy barbeque chicken and baked potato cookout awaited all of us.
This morning we presented campers with various clinics throughout camp. Our fantastic ski instructors offered a slalom ski clinic. Campers like Melanie Small Isabelle Anderson Taylor Bondy and many more got up on one ski for the first time. I personally took about 40 campers tubing. Several of them flew off the tube with wide smiles. Nicole Segal was one of them. Her reaction was priceless. Trampball biking and candle making were also very popular clinics as well.
I’m happy and probably more relieved that our twenty seven CITS have returned safely back through the Agawak gates. Watching them rush off the bus and fly into the arms of their camp friends waiting patiently brings tears to my eyes. They are loved and looked up to by the younger campers. The hugs are proof of that! The weather in the Boundary Waters was beautiful and dry until the last morning of their trip. I’m thrilled to report the bugs didn’t invade their canoes or campsite. Trip leaders reported this group of CITS was strong motivated and overall kept a positive attitude when the going got rough. I’m proud of this group of girls.
This afternoon we are having a funpers are blobbing swimming water tramping and our lovely PA’s are volunteering their time in the dunk tank. Carnival games line the walls of alumnae hall waterfront is rocking’ & happy campers can be found everywhere I look.
Where do the days of summer go? Precamp seems only days ago. Now August is
lurking in the background. There’s always a sense of sadness which comes over me when August approaches. Times flies as the saying goes but at camp time flies faster than anywhere. We will continue to cherish our camp moments as all of us here know our time together is unfortunately shortile on