As our first session campers are about to leave I am thinking of a lyric from an old Agawak song that used to be sung called: “We’ve spent these past weeks together learning to live and love everyday”. Learning to live at camp is very different than learning to live at home… as you know it’s something entirely different.
Here in our beautiful woods in Blue and White games in your communal cabin life in our activities you are living and growing in so many directions be it to master a new sport or forge a new relationship or trying to overcome that unwanted feeling of missing home. As this night marks our sad parting I am so proud and filled with joy at the lessons you have learned about kindness about perseverance about teamwork friendship and about trying to become the best person possible. Your individual spirit is what makes Agawak great and we will miss every one of you.
When you’re back home I know you will be thinking of your sisterhood here where “here we are uh huh we’re all together” – bounding in friendships that do last forever. Friendships run deep and wide here and you will have your camp friends by your side when you are old and gray. The strength of our Agawak friendships is what makes each of us come back summer after summer decade after decade. In just a few short years this camp we love will celebrate its 100th birthday! I hope all of us can be here for that special summer together. You girls share so much love so many hugs and so many smiles and ups and downs with each other every day at camp and helps build your confidence and self that will give you strength throughout your lifetime.
We are sad that some of you must leave us tomorrow but as we all know – we never really leave Agawak. Agawak is in our hearts forever. Our summer memories and what we shared together will never be forgotten. Thank you to everyone for a phenomenal first session.
Soon the countdown will begin again as the Krug buses pull out tomorrow morning. Before too long you will read on our web site – only 200 more days until camp! Only 50 more days until camp! Only two more days until camp! And then before you know it we’ll be together again at this campfire overlooking Blue Lake singing “Friends friends friends – we will always be”. Indeed we are Forever Friends. Keep growing. Keep glowing. Keep loving keep laughing Be leaders. Be kind to everyone you meet so you can become role models for others wherever you go. Remember the lessons you’ve learned at Agawak and use them to help make this world a better place.
For those of us staying full season more fun awaits on the horizon. I’m thankful our summer together is still young. So it’s not goodbye to those leaving us…it’s see you when our paths cross again hopefully leading us all back to Agawak.
Camp on!