The Spirit of Agawak!

This morning we woke up to temperatures in the low seventies and played a favorite Blue and White game….Balloon Battles. Water balloons were filled, launched and captured on bed sheets. Points were awarded for each intact water balloon. Balloons were then hidden beneath the sand at the waterfront by each team. Campers gingerly tip-toed through the balloon landmine being careful not to step on buried balloons below the surface.

Cabins worked together on creating words to a popular song for an afternoon activity called Song-a-Rama! Campers had fun changing the lyrics to their favorite songs using Agawak as the theme. The winner of Song-a-Rama 2023 (Cabins 12 and OW) enjoyed a cabin outing at Briqs’ Ice Cream. With light mist in the air we pivoted to an indoor evening program to avoid running on slippery surfaces. We were wheeling and dealing tonight for prizes in Happy Camper Hall as we played….. “Let’s Make A Deal!” On Thursday, we’ll be enjoying a full day of activities weather permitting.

I think most people have a hunch about what it’s like at overnight camp, but when anyone tries to describe life at Agawak to those who have not experienced it, the picture is dim at best. Even when you ask campers who attended Agawak to describe it, they often struggle to convey why they love it. There’s just so much more to it than any verbal account can provide. Likewise, photos don’t fully do camp justice although they have been great.  Photos are much better perhaps, but what about the camp spirit, the silly jokes, the daily laughter, the singing, the dancing, the chatter of a vibrant group of campers as they stroll around camp….that can’t be captured!

The community spirit of Agawak is something we really value here. It resides at the heart of our mission.  Our values— kindness, grit, appreciation, acceptance, positive attitude and sense of wonder—serve to create, enhance and maintain our sense of community at Agawak. We know these values help connect us to those around us and toward the power of friendship.These values, once embraced and widely practiced together, form a welcoming and supportive spirit. Feeling truly accepted and valued for who we are really brings us closer together.

The feeling of being part of a camp community is wonderful. It feels so good! I believe we all yearn for connection. We each have a fundamental need to belong to something greater than just ourselves. Unfortunately, American daily life doesn’t provide this kind of experience often. Aren’t we usually focused on individual achievement, advancement and accumulation?  Aren’t we typically oblivious and dis-connected, to the majority of people around us daily?

I think this is one reason why young children and young adults love camp so much; it serves as an antidote to modern life. Camp provides something we all need that’s difficult to get in our regular lives. Put simply, Agawak is “a place for people to grow and connect”…… it provides essential nourishment in the form of community. Campers and counselors will tell you camp is “fun,” and that they simply “love it,” but I think it’s the special community spirit that’s really at work.

If you could casually stroll around Agawak at any time, you’d get a good sense of this good life we’re living. You’ll see happy girls everywhere. You’ll meet caring counselors, compassionate nurses and you’ll find genuine enthusiasm spilling out from every corner of camp. It’s remarkable how quickly this special Agawak spirit appears each summer. At archery you’ll see it when the girls cheer for each other after a shot hits the target. You’ll discover it at the Tango Tower when a camper makes it to the top of the platform. Among the skiers, it’ll be clear from the encouraging shout outs from the docks. In drama you’ll hear cheering and applause. It’s fascinating to see all this supportive energy and the friendships being formed.

Stay tuned for more updates as we go full speed ahead.
